On an Island in the Sun Part 4

Start from the beginning

"I've been going over the equations and I think you underestimated his power level," Daphne said softly. "By a lot, he should have been fine even with all the
extra casting."

"Why is he so tired then?" Hermione shot back.

"It was the statues that pushed him over," Daphne explained quickly. "And even then it would have been fine if he'd only made two."

"Harry didn't think it was fair to only make fifty foot basalt statues of me and Daph," Tracy explained with a wince.

"Fifty foot tall basalt statues?" Hermione's voice was frigid.

"It was supposed to be a joke," Daphne tried to defend herself. "We never thought he'd actually do it."

"Luna," Hermione called out.

"Yes, Hermione?" Luna asked eagerly.

"Remind me to add this to the list of reasons of why I'm annoyed at Tracy and Daphne," Hermione said.

"Alright, Hermione," Luna agreed cheerfully.

"Oh, and to add it to the list of sweet but exasperating things Harry has done for all of us," she added with long suffering smile. Luna and the others giggled at


Harry stiffly walked into the tent to wait for the first task and painfully stretched his wand arm. Didn't look like he was recovered enough to carry out his original plan, just meant he was going to have to improvise. Damn his luck

"Harry, a word please." Cedric waved Harry over to his part of the tent.

"What is it?" Harry asked. His expression was guarded,

"Just wanted to confirm that you don't expect me to become a eunuch before joining your island," Cedric whispered.

"No," Harry said quickly. "Who started that rumor?"

"Then I'd like to join and I don't know," Cedric replied. "Also, Cho would like to have a word with you when you have a spare moment."

"As would I," Fleur interjected softly. "Forgive my intrusion, 'arrie Potter."

"Not at all," Harry sighed. When had his life become so complicated. "Hermione's in charge of my schedule, tell her that I said she should set up a meeting."

"Thanks, Harry," Cedric said gratefully.

"Yes, thank you 'arrie Potter," Fleur agreed. She gave him a critical once over, the boy was attractive in a waifish sort of way and she supposed she could
endure it if the rumors were true for Gabrielle's sake.

"No problem," Harry replied. He sat down and managed to get a few minutes of sleep before they awoke him to take his turn on the field.

Harry approached the dragon carefully trying to figure out how he was going to get the golden egg from the dragon when he was still pretty low on magic,
having raised a whole lot of magma just the day before.

The dragon froze when it sighted him and he could swear she was studying his face. Yep her eyes just slipped up to his forehead.

The welsh green ran over to her nest and carefully rolled the golden egg out of it, taking it aside and sitting with the fake egg between her paws.

How the hell was he suppose to get it now?!

Was she making eyes at him?

Harry sighed knowing he was a sucker, but the effect of puppy dog eyes from a dragon just couldn't be underestimated. Almost against his will he walked up
to the dragon.

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