Chapter Thirty Four

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He stood there, his face impossible to read, no sign that he was planning on forgiving me.

“I’m sorry, too, man. And I only ignored your calls because I thought YOU were mad at ME. And I never read the texts I just deleted them.” He said, a smile slowly growing.

I laughed and pulled him in for a ‘bro hug’.

“But what was this about you LOVING her? And her liking you, like I said?? And you KISSING her??” He asked me.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the counter to sit down.

“Get off my counter.” He joked.

“If you want to hear the story, I’m sitting on your counter.” I said.

It was funny, the way we were. We literally just got over one of the worst fights we’d ever had, and it’s as if nothing even happened.

He rolled his eyes and sat down at one of the tall chairs set under the counter, realizing that my sitting down symbolized how long of a story this was going to be.

“So...what do you want to hear about first?” I asked him.

“When did you kiss her?” He asked as if he were a high school girl.

We’re definitely not helping the gay rumors right now.

“Well...Don’t laugh, but, I mean, technically she kissed me...” I said.

A smile grew on his face spreading from ear to ear.

“Okay fine.” I said. “You can laugh.”

He immediately burst out in laughter, throwing his head back. “She had to kiss you first?!” He exclaimed. “You’re such a pussy!”

“Shut up!” I said, punching his shoulder.

“Wait so what did she say? Did she say anything? Details dude! I called this relationship I wanna know how it goes!” He pushed.

“Well I mean it’s not really a relationship, YET, I haven’t asked her to be my girlfriend.” Logan opened his mouth to speak but I stopped him by holding up my hand. “I’ll get to that. Anyways she basically said she’s wanted to do that since we met, I said me, too, then I kissed HER so it kinda equaled out?”

He just rolled his eyes.

I continued to spend the evening with Logan, filling him in on everything he’d missed. We called the other guys over so I could explain it all to them, too.

“So who’s telling Sam?” Dustin asked.

“What do you mean who’s telling Sam, Kendall obviously.” Carlos said.

“Me?!” I exclaimed, leaning forward from the couch I was sitting against as the five of us were seated in a circle. “Heck no! Dustin’s closer with him!”

“Kendall. You’re the one who kissed his niece. You’re telling him.” James said.

I sat back in defeat and took a sip of my beer.

“Both YN and Sam have tomorrow off, you guys should tell him together.” Carlos suggested. “That’s how Sammy and I...” His voice trailed off and we all gave him a sympathetic look.

Him and his girlfriend Sammy Droke had broken up a couple weeks earlier, so he was still on thin ice about that.

“Forget about it man. Besides, aren’t you into that other chick, Alexa?” James asked him.

Carlos shrugged. “I mean yeah but I still feel bad about Sammy.”

“Haven’t we already had this conversation?” Dustin intervened. “Carlos will be fine he’s got a lot of girls to fall back on.” He winked and Carlos just laughed. “Kendall, we need to figure out how to get you and YN together officially before she leaves.”

All four of us turned and looked at Dustin with the same dumbfound expression and unison response, “What?!”

“Sam or YN didn’t tell you?” Dustin looked at me.

I shook my head.

Dustin’s eyes grew wide and he nonchalantly took a sip of his beer then said, “Oh shit.”

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