Chapter Twenty Five

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She took a breath. “Fine. But you don’t have to answer.”

I lifted my eyebrows in anticipation.

“What were you and Logan fighting about? And what happened?”

I gulped, avoiding any eye contact with her.

“It’s fine, you don’t need to answer.” She said.

“No, no, I want to.”

“Are you sure?” She said.

I sucked in a breath and nodded. “It was right after I went on the bus after saying goodbye to you in the parking lot. I got on the bus and-“

“Are you two ready to order?” The waiter said to us.

I noticed YN eying him, his long, shiny brown hair and bright electric blue eyes. I felt the jealousy kindling inside of me. In the straightest man to man way, he wasn’t bad looking at all.

“Two number fives, please, Brandon.” She smiled, her entire face lighting up as he scribbled something down onto his notepad. His face flushed a bright pink as he turned and walked away.



“What did you just order us?” Kendall asked me.

She smiled reassuringly. “Trust me you’ll like it. I’ve been coming here since I was little. My parents and I used to always get it when-“ I stopped myself from finishing that sentence. I was about to say, ‘when they were alive.’ “Anyways it’s basically just pancakes and eggs.”

He looked at me weird, obviously noting my lame cover up.

“Um, so what happened with you and Logan? You went back onto the bus after the parking lot?” I asked him, trying to change the subject.



Her nervousness was too obvious to ignore. I was about to ask her about it when I realized I should probably just continue on with the story and ask her later.

“Right. So when I got on the bus...well you might need to know some of Logan’s background first.” I said.

She looked at me with anticipation, urging me to continue.

“You can’t tell anybody though, okay?” I said.

“I promise.” She said to me, the sincerity too evident to not believe it.

“Logan has this...problem...when it comes to girls. He’s done this a few times and it’s clearly not okay. He feels awful about it, and I shouldn’t have brought it up...” I shook my head. “He’ll hook up with girls and fall for them, but then leave in the next couple days. He gets over them pretty fast but they hang on for a while.”

She nodded in understanding, not judging him at all. I really appreciated that about her. She actually gave people a chance.

“Anyways so we’re arguing on the bus and I brought up that fact. I said to him something like ‘why would I take advice from the guy that blows off every girl he meets’ or something along those lines was really uncalled for and I feel awful. I shouldn’t have said it I just let my frustration get to me.”

She stayed silent for a moment letting it all sink in. “He’ll come around. He’ll realize that what he was saying was at his own fault for leading himself into that trap. He must have seen it coming depending on what you were fighting abou-“

“You.” I interrupted her. “We were fighting about you.”

She froze, taking in the situation, determining whether or not she hear me right, no doubt. “Me?” She said.

“He thought you liked me, so.” I just let the sentence hang.

She cocked her head to the side. “So Logan was yelling at you because he thought I liked you? As in liked you liked you?”

I let out a small nervous laugh. “Yeah, crazy, right?”

She looked up at me shyly. “I mean...well...not really.”

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