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The Dormouse tries to pick the lock to the chain around Hatter's ankle with her hatpin. "Stand back, Minnie!" said Alice. The Dormouse and the Hatter look up to see Alice victoriously holding the Vorpal Sword high over her head. "How's this for 'muchness'?" said Alice a little annoyed. She brings the sword toward the chain. "Stop! It mustn't be used for anything but..." Tried the Hatter to say but Stayne strides in with his Knights. He points to Alice. "Arrest that girl for unlawful seduction." ordered Stayne. "Hatter!" said Minnie a little scared. She tosses the Hatter the decorative sword from the hall. He fights with Stayne. Hatter is formidable even chained. Minnie stabs the Knights with her hatpin. Alice swings the Sword. "No! Take it to the White Queen!" said the Hatter almost commanding. "I'm not leaving WITHOUT YOU!" said Alice scared to lose the Hatter. Minnie was getting jealous so she yelled at Alice: "Alice! Go!" Stayne stops dead. He looks at her with sudden revelation. "Alice?" asked he to himself. The Hatter and Minnie yelled both at the same time: "RUN!" She runs. " Get her!" ordered Stayne the knights. She bursts out the back. Stayne and the Knights just behind. She runs, dodging Knights. But they manage to surround her. She swings the sword to keep them back. "Alice. Of course! Why didn't I see it? Well, it has been a long time. And you were such a little tyke then. Give me the Sword." said Stayne with a mean and crazy smile. "Stay back!" screamed Alice. He distracts her as two Knights come up behind. "The Queen will be so pleased. She'll take great pleasure in taking off your head. I believe she wants to do the deed herself." said Stayne amazed. As the Knights grab her there's a deep THUNDEROUS GROWL. The Bandersnatch runs at them, biting and snapping. They release Alice and back away. The Bandersnatch lowers his head for her to climb onto his back. Stayne and the Knights astonished. " Downal wyth Bluddy Behg Hid!" yelled Alice. Alice and the Bandersnatch approach the open drawbridge. The Knights abandon their post. They pound across. Bayard waits on nearby hill. He sees the Bandersnatch with Alice on its back. He runs out to meet them. "Ho, Alice!" screamed Bayard to Alice. "Bayard! To Marmoreal!" screamed Alice back at Bayard. Bayard leads Alice and the Bandersnatch toward the White Queen's Castle. The drawbridge lowers for them. The White Queen's castle is light and airy in contrast to the oppression of her sister's. She sits on her throne. The white knight's suit of armor stands in a prominent position. Alice enters carrying the Light Sword. "Welcome to Marmoreal." said the White Queen when Alice enters the castle.

Alice bows and offers her the Light sword. The White Queen nods her thanks. She places the Sword in the hand of the standing suit of silver armor. The Light Sword is home again. The armor is complete. Now all we need is a champion. She looks at Alice significantly. Alice drops her eyes. "You're a little taller than I thought you'd be." said the White Queen. "Blame it on too much Upelkuchen." said Alice with a little smile. "Come with me." said the White Queen sweet. As they enter, a pepper mill flies across the room and hits the wall behind them. "Is the Half mad rabbit around?" asked Alice to the White Queen. "You're late for soup!" said the half mad rabbit very angry. He picks up a whole pot of soup and throws it. It hits the wall. Alice takes a finger to the wall for a taste. "Could use salt." she said. A salt shaker comes flying at her. She catches it and 'salts' the wall. She tastes it again and kisses her fingers in a gesture of perfection. The White Queen prepares Pishalver in a pot on the stove, taking ingredients from a cupboard filled with an admixture of herbs, spices, flour, sugar, insects, shriveled fingers, eyeballs, and other odious things.

 The White Queen prepares Pishalver in a pot on the stove, taking ingredients from a cupboard filled with an admixture of herbs, spices, flour, sugar, insects, shriveled fingers, eyeballs, and other odious things

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"Pishalver. Let me think. Two cups grape juice,, a pinch of wormfat..." whispers the White Queen to herself. "My mother taught me how to concoct all the medicinal cures and transformational potions, a teaspoon vanilla...urine of the horsefly, buttered fingers... ...My sister preferred to study Dominion Over Living Things. Tell me, how does she seem to you?" "Perfectly horrid." said Alice a little zoned out. "She wasn't always that way. Well, maybe she was. And her head?" said the White Queen sweet. "Bulbous, bloated, like a blimp." said Alice trying to discripe her head as sweet as possible. " I think she may have some kind of growth in there...something pressing on her brain. ...three coins from a dead man's pocket, two tablespoons of Wishful Thinking..." goes the White Queen further. "You can't imagine the things that go on in that place." said Alice with a sad voice. "Oh yes, I can. But when a champion steps forth to slay the Jabberwocky, the people will rise against her. (she spits into it) That should do it." she said. She dips a tiny spoon into the pot and offers it to Alice. "Blow." Alice blows, takes a sip and shrinks to her normal size. "Feel better?" she asked. "Much. Thank you." answered Alice. "There's someone here who would like to speak with you." said the White Queen to Alice. Alice didn't know who wanted to talk with her because the most of them were in the red castle.

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