The walk

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The walked through the forest. For a few moments it was very quiet but then began the Hatter the mumble. "The Jabberwock with..." Alice heard it and said:"Sorry? What was that?" The Hatter looked at his hat and Alice climbed down on his shoulder. The Hatter started again:"Sorry? What was what?... The Jabberwock with eyes of flame. The jaws that bite. The claws that catch. Beware of the Jabberwock, my son. And the frumious Bandersnatch. He took his vorpal sword in hand. The vorpal blade went snicker-snack. He left it dead, and with its head. And he went galumping back. It's all about you, you know..." He looked at Alice and smiled a little. Alice looked in his big eyes and said:"I'm not slaying anything. I don't slay. So put it out of your mind" The Hatter looked worried to Alice and said:"Mmm...mind." He took Alice and put her on the ground. He started to walk away and Alice screamed:"Wait!... James!!" The Hatter stopped and turned around to Alice. "What did you say?" Alice looked sadly at the Hatter and she said:"James just wait please." The Hatter his angry face turned into a smile and he almost cried of happiness. Alice looked at him and smiled at him. 'He is definitely the man of the dreams. Maybe it wasn't a dream.' Thought Alice. Then he started to know way he walked away from her and said angrily:"You don't slay... Do you have any idea what the Red Queen has done?" Looked at him when he walked to her and put her on his shoulder. "I couldn't if I wanted to." Said Alice a little scared. "You're not the same as you were before. You were much more...much more've lost your muchness." Said the Hatter to Alice. Alice looked at the ground in shame. "My muchness?" Said Alice confused. "In there. Something's missing." Said the Hatter angry. "What did the red queen do to you?" Asked Alice slowly. "Horrible things,Alie" answered the Hatter. Alice felt the tears in her eyes but was planning not to cry. "The red queen let the Jabberwocky kill my family before my eyes." Said the Hatter without waiting for Alice to ask it. Alice looked at him and said: "You never told me, why?" "Because you were already in pain because of your mother and when Alexander said the things about me you were so sad that i didn't want to hurt you more because of my story." Said the Hatter sadly. Alice leaned against his neck and said with a tiny smile : "you remember." "Of course I remember it Alie. After i went back to Wonderland the day before the Jabberwocky killed my family. On that day he came to me and said ' well it was nice being Alice her boyfriend but you stoppped it so i do something in return.' After he said that everything came back and the death of my family was harder because i thought of you to because i left you without saying goodbye." Said the Hatter with tears in his eyes. Alice hugged his neck and told him that she is here now and she wouldn't leave without him. 'The only thing was that it was a weird promise because al of Wonderland was a dream.' Thought Alice when they walked farther. Suddenly they heard a strange noise. The Hatter looked around and saw nearby red blur. "Red knights!"  He puts Alice in his shoulder pocket and started running the other way. He ran and ran but suddenly he was surrounded by Red knights. He took his hat and said to Alice: "jump on the hat Alie." Alice was scared but she jumped anyway. The Hatter said: "Go south to Grampas Bluffs. The White Queen's castle is just beyond." He throws the hat as far as he could. Alice hold thigh to the hat and they flew above the treetops. The Hatter shouted: "DOWN WITH THE BLOODY RED QUEEN!"

The hat land softly and Alice looked back at the forest. 'I hope that he is okay. He is been through a lot form so i'm going to save him for this one time. But i think i'm going to save him by getting him back because I can't slay the Jabberwocky.' Thought Alice. It was gettting dark so she climbed underneath the hat and fell asleep with the thoughts of what the changes are that this is al real.

The next morning Alice waked up from a sniffling sound. Suddenly the hat flips and a big wet nose sniffed at her. She opened her eyes...

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