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This feels so good. Just lay on the bed and act like your dead.


Wait is that an ice popsicle. You gotta be kidding me. Why the fuck is it approaching me?

That too with hands? And very- small hands? The fuck is that. Wait is it chasing me, am I running?

Suddenly I fell on the ground as that popsicle approached me and gave me harsh slap.

I woke up with a jerk and saw Hank on my face. His small paws harshly tapping my face.

Shit, after this I can never eat a popsicle.

Suddenly the door of my room flew open and Easton entered-

"Dude you like this? "

"I do" I said licking the ice pop as Hank almost- I REPEAT
almost raises his non existent eyebrows at me.

I'm right now sitting on a couch as Easton bought me to the living room and-

I may or may not have forced him to do so-

So I'm licking my ice pop and you know what I think directly eating ice popsicle shall be declared illegal.

Like why would you do so-

Suddenly the door blew up, my eyes roamed around the room as I looked at disaster. My heart beat fastened as the pace of it increase-

'Basically the door opened' My subconscious said

"How are y'all bitches missed me? " A girl said dashing

through the snow in a one horse open sleigh-

'YOU DID NOT JUS-' My subconscious said in pure horror.

Look it had to


"Oh, hi" She said looking at me confusingly.

"You're cute" She blurted out.


-Complete silence-

"Oh" Aylo said as he entered with Mr 'why dafuq am I still not aware of his name' and 5 others.

"Oh I was such a good mood and now it's ruined " She said looking at Mr. I gotta ask his name.

She rolled her eyes and turned back towards me.

"So wanna have some ice cream? " She asks me and it just reminds me that I'm not aware of her name too.

"What's your-? " Before I could say anything she puts her finger on my lips dramatically looking up at the ceiling.

"It's the drug that makes everyone lose their ability to think and blink. It's the drug tha-" She says still looking up at the ceiling while she opens her mouth a bit and then closes it.

"I'm out of words" She says blinking her gaze still on the ceiling and finger on my lips.

"Anesthesia " She said finally looking at me and-

Say wha-

"Are you on cocaine or what?"
Zach says raising his eyebrow.

"Just a bit of weed" She said shrugging him off.

"It's Anastasia but you can call me Anesthesia "


"Halcyon? " She asks as she removes her finger from my lips.

"Ye-" And again the finger is back as she sighs dramatically and says

"I knew it"

Zach reaches for me and looks at me blankly.

"You were told not to move"
He said sternly and i may or may not have pointed towards Easton.


Easton looks at me with wide eyes and scream


Zach picks me up and almost throws me on my bed once we reach my room.


'Door slams'

eMoTiOnaL DaMagE

"I hate this shit" I said as I took Hank out of my hoodie.

"It feels shitty right? " I asked looking at Hank.

And he-

He just climbed off the bed and ran away-

Through the small window-


eMoTiOnaL DaMagE

Indeed I'm proud that he learnt how to betray but i think I forgot to teach him THAT WASN'T FOR ME.


I think I shall prepare the plan and as I know I can't get up from the bed for next 2 days as the hot doc told Mr. Unknown.


The plan is postponed.

-2 hours later-

So I'm here with my shitty plan that I'm gonna execute.
Wanna know bout it-


So it is that i forgot what my plan was so lemme first cry and then try to remember what it was.

It took me an hour to remember and this time I've revised it thoroughly and guess what?I just realised how shitty my ex plan was.

I was gonna take a nap but then I hear a voice which was quite unfamiliar. I tried to focus and realised it was coming from the washroom.

I can't move properly so I quickly searched for my phone. I texted Easton to come to my room with two - three people and guns.

I specifically told him to act normal and do as I say.

As soon as he saw the message I heard voices downstairs which fortunately couldn't be heard.

I soon saw my door open and I acted normally asking Easton to help me reach the washroom.

I knew the person would panic if they were inside so I tried to hear the voice. Surprisingly no motions were made.

I went to the washroom and checked it thoroughly.

Absolutely nothing.

I got out thanked Easton and then he helped me to get down as the dinner was ready.

We all had our dinner, spoke for a bit while I carefully read everyone's faces. They all were normal which meant none of them had a clue about what happened.

I had a slight doubt on the new girl but surprisingly even she was normal.

It was already late so I went to bed with Hank who was now beside me laying down on the bed peacefully.

It was night time so the lights were off and the room was completely dark.

I heard a voice and before I could even think or blink I felt something cold poking my forehead.

"Move and you'll breathe your last breath" A cold voice said.

"Halcyon as I remember see we meet again " He said as now I could feel his cold hands on my face.

"And this time-" He whispered

"It's just you" He took a small pause.

"And I"

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