13-More Confused Than Ever/May I Help You?

Start from the beginning

"Ky, you're bleeding!" She exclaimed. My eyes widened, I ran to the mirror and examined just below my neck and my shoulder blades. The whole area was covered in blood, soaking mike's shirt. A huge cut from my shoulder blades going downwards, it looked like it needed stitches. I guess it happened when Chloe pushed me, I felt numb when she did so that why I probably didn't notice it.

"..IF YOU DONT BELIEVE ME COME HERE YOURSELF AND ASK YOUR INNOCENT LITTLE GIRLFRIEND! KYRA IS IN THE BATHROOM WITH PERRIE PROBABLY CHECKING HERSELF OVER. SHES BLEEDING MIKE. YOUR PRECIOUS GIRLFRIEND ATTACKED HER! PHYSICALLY, EMOTIONALLY AND MENTALLY!" We both heard Zayn shout from just outside the bathroom door, Perrie hugged me gently, being cautious of my back she then unlocked the door and left to calm Zayn down. I stayed and sat on top of the counter. Was I really worthless like Daniel said? Was I as ugly as Chloe made me feel? I knew it was the wrong time to tweet, but I had no one else.

@KyraWrightXO this is the last time I leave the house alone, bad things always happen to me. So now I'm heartbreak prone AND attack prone. Great. Just brilliant.

I had only just realised that I hadn't called Cara about how Sophie was, so I dialled her number and put the phone against my ear. No answer.

Just as I was about to ring her again, I got a call from Michael and I was determined to tell him about my incident with Chloe.

"What Michael?" I answered, sounding weak.

"Are you okay?"

"Not really after your girlfriend attacked me, I'm bleeding and I can't physically walk yet so I can't go home." I growled angrily.

"Not this again.." he muttered under his breath

"Yeah this again, if you didn't want this to be brought up, why did you ring me? why don't you believe Zayn?" I said, trying to sound confident, but failing.

"Because I know she wouldn't do that, she not violent in any way."

"So you'd believe her over me, Perrie, Zayn and a huge group of fans and probably CCTV cameras yeah?"

"I'm not say-"

"Yes you are! That's exactly what you're saying, Michael!"

"Why are we having this conversation now?" He sounded quite bored.

"What's wrong with this conversation?" I replied quickly.

"Why are you asking all these unimportant questions Kyra?" Shit.

"If I'm honest? I just wanted to hear your voice again." I said quietly, I'm sure Michael didn't hear it.

He muttered something that I couldn't quite hear.

"What did you say Mike?" I asked hopefully.

"Nothing. Listen, I need to go because I need to ring Chloe and talk to her about this"

"That reminds me, does Chloe have any..connections to Daniel?"


"Because when she attacked me, she started to whisper in my ear and telling me that you never loved me. Calling me everything Daniel did, She told me I got what I deserved from him, that he showed me what I was. She then said that you showed her how much you loved her.." I trailed off not knowing what else to say, my voice small and quiet and tears were free falling down my face.

"If I told you the truth, you wouldn't believe me.." he confessed, his voice going quieter.

"Try me.."

"I can't Kyra, I wish I could but I really can't." he spoke fast.

"Bye Mikey, no matter how much you say you don't love me, I will always love you." I whispered, ending the call. When I pulled the phone away from my ear, I noticed that I had a mention on Twitter.

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