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I rub my sore eyes, I didn't get sleep because there was someone else in the building and their loud automobile woke me up around midnight. I struggle myself to get up and I forgot to take the jacket off from tomorrow but the best I've could've done for now is fix up my scruffy, brown and 'fluffy' hair and wear something nice today. I got off the bed and went to go put something nice on when a face crept up on me. I yelped and bounced back, Josh scared me, I forgot he was coming over for a week or so. He laughs his head off and I fix my self up and went to the pile of makeshift clothes and started rummaging through them and found a nice pair of clothes to wear for today and maybe tomorrow if I forget again. I've been forgetting thing after thing, taking off my jacket off before jumping into bed, that Joshua was coming over and hopefully not forgetting to take off a pair of clothing that I 'borrowed' from a architectural senior that was making doll sized clothes, thankfully, I was a little smaller than their making but they have my taste, or type, idk. I walk back to Joshua who was sitting on my bed while looking out the window, pondering something.

Joshua was a young man at the age of 24, being two years older, basically being my older brother, his dark looking tanned skin shows how much he loved exercise with his thick black hair in a bun representing his gender confusion but for how long I can remember, he's a male and he hasn't broke any news about being transgender or non-binary. He wore a homemade tie-dyed shirt from sewing it but with the upper hand, he lived with a human who also made doll clothes but it seemed that they knew about our species and now lived with a human who makes doll clothing for a living while I live in a office building from the sign at the front saying something about architectural stuff. Honestly, his clothing looked nice as hell but something was off about it. Anyways his black and slick pants also came from them and come to think of it, he hasn't told me the creator of the clothing.

"What do you think?" I say as I show it off like in on a catwalk without falling down. I wore a outfit that suited the office style, it was, of course, a bit baggy but I got it to fit by tucking the shirt into the pants. The shirt had long sleeves of which I rolled up just over my elbows to fit my somewhat lanky arms from Josh' understanding, the pants were another story but it was also baggy and I normally and always don't have shoes on so it was up to me and the best I did for it was by making socks that actually fit me and I like the feeling of them. Now Joshua knew about fashion and he said that I'd blend in if I was human. I don't know what I was really wearing because of my blurry vision but I could see why.

I rub my eyes again and take out the tiredness by gently pounding my fist against my forehead as a warning and to wake me up. I put down my fist and look out the window with a tired expression on my face. I still couldn't knock out the neverending wanting to sleep but at least I try and make a effort and try to get off sleeps back. Joshua layed on my bed and soon passed out while talking with him, I figured it was all the walking he did to get here so I couldn't blame him.

I dust my hands off and shook my head vigorously and bounced up and down, I had something in mind from yesterday and I wanted to try it out. I started wandering the walls again and eventually found a open space on where I can look out at the office. I walk out of the hole and stayed behind the books on from what looks like a shelf from my vision in someone's little office apartment. There was two people talking about something of a promotion and I clapped quietly to congratulate them without them hearing me because I was kinda scared of the horrors they could do to our tiny bodies only being no longer than their index finger. I gulp from thinking about it but then a little while after of listening, the guy who sat on one of the two visitor chair started observing the bookshelf and other things in the room which looked nice but it didn't have my taste but I could see it in their eyes. The said person exclaimed about me being in the bookshelves and I panicked and ran back throughout the walls and stayed away from the entrance only being a few feet away but it wasn't needed since the other person stopped them from ruining the bookshelf.

I let go of my breath that I didn't know I was holding and I stupidly poked my head around the corner of the hole and a hand was reaching out for me so I started running through the walls till I got back to my little area where Josh wasn't there? I panicked a bit more and I look out of the window, he was leaving way earlier than I anticipated. He left me a note on the bed saying-

'Dear Dominic,

I'm sorry but I have to leave so early but apparently the human I'm living with has to move earlier than I thought as well so I guess this is a goodbye. Oh! And don't forget, the birds are nice around this block so you can use them as messengers.

From your best pal

I dramatically teared up a bit but I rubbed my eyes and blamed it on the tiredness but that chase through the walls got me awoke.

It would be a bit too dangerous for now To go out of the walls for now but I heard rustling on the outside and I thought it was the aircon blowing Wind or someone leaning against it since part of my house was in the break room but no, this time it sounded different. I put my ear up to the wall that's making sound and I heard mumble from said wall and then someone saying
"What are you doing?", then I heard a frighten voice then a normal conversation happen in the break room. I lift my ear from the wall and shrugged then started walking around the walls again after they left. I found the entrance I made to the break room and I looked around skiddishly, when there was no humans, I carefully stepped out from behind the coffee jug and started running for the next closest object near the said jug. Luckily, someone left a box of jatz here and when there was none around still I push the box over making me a bit exhausted but eventually it tipped over and I grabbed one and snapped it in half so I can carry it more easily and have more food for probably and day or so. I tucked them under my arms and dashed for the walls for close comfort and the door opened but fortunately I was inside the walls when that happened so I'll be safe for now. I forgot about the box, I put down the two halves of the cracker down and I peeked my eye out from the hole and it looked like one of the humans from that chitter chatter from earlier in today was inspecting the box and I quickly pulled my head in when they got a quick glance of me. I pressed my back against the wall and saw fingers go over me. I held my breath in and waited for the results and they happened as I would imagined it, being caught.

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