Stupid dream Number 2

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Okay so we head these like headsets that we would walk around the gigantic movie theatre and we would check out all of them at night, remember this is a dream, to see if there was ghosts or some crap.

We went into a little area and for some reason I had a small teddy on me, anyways, we went over to it after Sam pointed it out.

It wasn't as big but it looked like a scare fanfare and we all went in but placed down the vr headsets down first.

The room had alot of people and the door was locked but I and the others didn't pay attention to it.

Bye the person at the front inviting us in said, do you want to play a game?, and we all blindly went in.

After that he came out of a hallway of some sort and he was dressed up as he was going to start the game.

He addressed the rules and the game was about staying still or you're out, or in this case, dead.

He started counting and I laid flat on the floor with the teddy I still have on me for some reason become a small human, underneath me.

He finished and I flinched.

He shot me in the back and I thought I was dead until I heard the clatter of his footsteps come close.

I stood up with the small human, in arms, pressed against my chest, with me trurned around so he won't shoot it.

Then it ended right then and there, that's all folks, goodbye and most likely meet you the next chapter if it comes out
Love you all goodbye again
Have a safe year

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