"Shshhh", Bheem & Dhriti shushed him at the same time. Bheemtook the rattle from Arjun's hand and started shaking it as Arjun kept swaddling the little one.

Soon the kid slept in Arjun's arms. Arjun felt an instant connection to the kid. One look at the face of the kid made Arjun wanna die for him. He felt over protective.

In the other room, Nakul and Sahadev were striving hard to save Draupadi's life.

"Bhaiya stay calm first! Keep talking to her and slap her cheeks. Bring her back", Nakul said as he was working on herbs.

"Ok Ok Hey Panchaali! I know you can hear me. Come on! I need you to comeback to me. Please", Yudhishthira said and did as he was told. "Ok this is not working! Damnit!", Yudhi was starting to get frantic. He just lost his daughter and loosing his wife was a huge no no to him. In normal situations everyone would record seeing someone ever calm loose his sanity.

"Bhaiya! Bhaiya Yudhi look at me!", Sahadev yelled grabbing Yudhishthira's shoulders in an attempt to gain his attention. "We asked you in here to help. You freaking out is not helping. I need you to calm down. Take a deep breath", Yudhi did as told, "Now go get your wife back", Sahadev said.

Yudhi stood near her bed but didn't say anything.

"Her pulse is fading", Nakul whispered holding her wrist. Yudhishthira took her and as he sat with her.

"You promised me to be with me forever." That was all Yudhi said. But with so much emotion that even his own brothers looked at him baffled, there was so much vulnerability, so much emotion in it, before her pulse raised up again and Nakul pushed yudhi out of the chamber.

Draupadi was fine and regained her consciousness as she held her son in her arms.

The birth of the heir came with the mixed sorrow and pain of the death of his sister.


The pleasure of the birth of the prince of Indraprastha resounded through every pore , brightened by the aura of the Sun god who spread his warmth impartially. The cuckoos and mynas song wafting as zenith with floral buds blooming in the unrivalled baritone of merry.

The loving residents of Indraprastha's garden jumped and danced around asserting the happiness of Nature. Like the nature had embellished itself as a welcome to one of it's own precious entity.

The common people of the Kingdom had decorated their houses with florals , the joy reverberating like it was a celebration for one of their own child. Shop - owners sprinkled water in front of their shops to give way to cool breeze knowing their sales would hype as people came from various territories. Discounts and offers were thrown as a mark of their joy for the birth of their prince. Children shared gossips of the upcoming event and shared the dress colors that they were to wear.

Royal families floated in throughout the last few days as they were greeted with abundant warmth by the sons of Pandavas. Nakula and Sahadeva took turns to escort the guests to the chambers and looked after their needs.

A young girl, the daughter of karn and vrushali ran through the emporiums of the kingdom , carrying abundant of joy and love as she gracefully plunged over the Rangolis causing the ladies to smile.

"He shall be called prativindhya." Announced the holy priest as he held up the son of yudhishthira and Draupadi. Draupadi was stricken when she heard of her daughter's death but maybe she coped up better with it compared to yudhi because she never saw her, those blue minty eyes, that soft palm.

"Prativindhya." Draupadi said softly as she stared at her son with pride and utter bliss.

"Prativindhya" Yudhishthira repeated sadly as others followed him.

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