Saved By My Father!

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Hi guys I think this is a good chapter couldn't think of much so took idea off of Mr Riordan. Remember I accept criticism. I know it's a short chapter but it's the best I can do. Thanks, bye.

Percy POV
I was taking a stroll through the woods but that's normal now that everyone ignores me. I mean, yeah I prefer it that way but it still sucks that no one wants to be my friend.

BOOM Huh what's that BOOM!! That was louder it made me stagg- wait are those cracks in the sky. No! THE BORDER. I ran as fast as possible to the border but by the time I got there there were mechanical bulls killing, injuring, hurting everyone they see.

I joined the battle.

Im not good at fight scenes so I'm gonna skip to the end.

Just as I was about to be crushed a man with one eye? saved me the beast went flying through the air and crumbled to dust. I surveyed the battle scene their were bodies everywhere. Barely any bulls had been killed only 2 and even then we hardly even killed them.

"What's your name?"
"Tyson, yours?"
"Percy, come with me."

Tyson went on a killing spree killing every sing bull he could see when I finally killed one it was because I threw a sword in its throat

Time skip 5 hours

We had one the battle by alot. We had held a ceremony for those who died and survived. I found out that Tyson was a cyclops but a good one he had wanted to see me. I don't know why but he did.

Ah here we are.
"Tyson you in there?!" I yelled

AHA hahaha I know after along time with no update I leave on a cliffhanger I'm evil. Thanks for reading, bye.

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