Chapter 4

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Hi guys I know it's been a while but here's the chapter. Also I changed a bit in chapter 3 go check it out. Thanks, bye.

3rd person POV
Silence rolled over the camp like a storm but of course that can't be possible because the borders prevent a storm. Faces were making a shape of a fish out of water. Hah so ironic.

"H-how is that possible. The primordials faded!" guess who said that

Percy being percy said "What now?"

Chiron POV

I have to admit that even I was shocked but I soon masked it.

"Percy come with to the big house. Please."

"Sir, yes, sir."

Percy POV
Huh, well I wasn't expecting that, oh well. Anyway, I wonder what Chiron wants. It could be a number of things what with him being so old and that.

"Percy, do you know what it means for you to be a son of a primordial?"

"No, what does it mean?"

"Percy, it means your one of a kind. Everyone is going to be jealous that not only did you get claimed strait away you also are now the most entitled and powerful demigod in history."

"But I've only started training, how's that possible?"

"The primordials are the first beings born of chaos-"

"Wait did you say chaos."

"Yes, yes I did do you have a problem?"

"No it's just I had a friend called chaos, Nebula they were called Chaos Nebula."

Chaos POV
Right now I'm walking around searching for my boyfriend.

"Oh yeah baby I missed you so much I can't believe you have to pretend to be gay just so you get money. Why is it that important just break up with him and come to me."

"You know I wish I could babe but if he finds out I'm only using him for money, we'll he's popular he could get everyone to turn on me in a click of a finger."

No it can't be percy was right he is only using me for money. I've hade enough.

"Yeah your right I could."

"C-Chaos, it's not what it looks like."


When I got to the bathroom I immediately teleported to the throne room and started bawling my eyes. Why can't I have anything nice he would of been the perfect suitor for me.

Hey guys I know I haven't uploaded in a while so here it is sorry for the slow update but you can't help writers block. Anyway if your like me your probably not reading it and think I'm lazy that's fine but you try writing a story whilst having to go to school, do homework and update at least every 3 days, so if your one of those people then I'm not lazy I'm just stressed and if you think I'm making excuses then frick of your the winner of the moron awards. Sorry for my rant. Thanks for reading, bye.

Percy Jackson Friend Of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now