But people who claim to want to be alone are often the people who need someone the most.

And Sasayuri was the kind of guy who wanted to be that 'someone' for people. It was one of his best points.




Suddenly, I heard a mechanical beeping noise coming from somewhere.

I glanced around, wondering what it was but couldn't find anything.

Sasayuri just sat there sipping from his own bottle of tea unconcerned, like he hadn't even heard the noise.

"It's almost a year since C/n (Cat name) died huh?"

He said drinking more than half the bottle in one go, then looked up at the night sky and muttered.

The lights from the city diluted the darkness of the sky, leaving only a few lonely glimmers.

"Yeah. Man... I guess it really has already been that long." I replied.

C/n was a cat my family owned, who had died of old age the year before.

I could still remember how when my mother called me and told me there wasn't much time left for her, my hands started shaking so hard that I almost dropped the receiver.

That cat had leave with me since I was in elementary school, so it was a major shock.

But given the lifespan of most cats, it was inevitable.

I was in college now, and after that, I found myself hesitant to go back home and visit.

But that was just an excuse. The truth was I was trying to turn away from the fact that C/n was going to die.

"Look you HAVE to go home!"

As I talked to Sasayuri about C/n, he grew insistent.

"It's fine. Cats only live so long... That's just how it is." I replied.

Sasayuri scolded me for pretending to be wise, then forcibly put me on the back of his motorbike and spent half the day driving me back home.

C/n, seeming a bit startled by my arrival, opened her eyes giving me a weak "meow" and tried in vain to stand up.

"No, it's okay. You can sleep." I said in a low tone.

As I reached out to pet her head, C/n licked my hand affectionately with her rough tongue.

Shortly after that, as though she had been waiting for me, C/n took her last breath.

As I sobbed uncontrollably, Sasayuri stayed right there with me, patting me on the shoulder and consoling me.

Despite his usual habit of chattering on about everything and nothing, in that moment, he completely stayed by me without saying a word.

In scolding me for trying to avoid accepting C/n's final moments, he taught me how to face things head on.

If I was in pain, I could say so. If I was sad, I could cry.

This all seemed obvious enough, but he helped me understand it for real.

And he waited with me as I wept, until the tears stopped from coming.

Instead of running away from my sorrow, he caught me and tried to help me heal my wounds.

That's the kind of guy Sasayuri was.

And maybe he could help Makoto too after the way she had been hurt.

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