Misunderstanding 3

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Continuation from the last part.

He found her room empty. Where did she leave? He went across each side of the Parakaram SAF, but couldn't find her. He thought to wake koezi up, thinking they might be knowing where she is.

As he moved to their room, he remembered how she used to hug the tree. His guess was correct, she was there. His heart pained seeing her. He stood at the corner and watched her. Sensing his presence, she turned behind. But he hid.

After some time, she went outside. He was getting tensed, what is she upto?? He followed her quietly. Don't know what she said to the guards whom agreed letting to go outside.

He remembered all the moments spend with her. 6 months was a long gap. He didn't find anyone like her. She was strong but emotional. She cared for others. But where is that innocence gone?? what made her to do all that she shouldn't?

A sudden noise from behind let him came out of thoughts. He looked around to find her. She was missing. Where was she? A tap on the shoulder, he turned around. It was her, crossing arms and looking at him.
Neither did she ask nor she told him anything but stood still with a raised eyebrows.

Her looks made him stammer.
K : don't think.......I was following you. Just wanted to have a walk. I won't ask you why you are here.
She looked at him with a blank face.
K : Anyways I'm leaving.
He crossed her and went forward. He turned to see if she was behind him as he couldn't let her stay here alone. She was still there. Why wasn't she walking?? How do I tell her?

He could see her calling out him. But before he could understand, had already banged his head with the pole. She rushed to me. She moved her hands to check if he was alright.

Karan POV
Her touch, after 6 months. Didn't know what I felt. It wasnt still the same. The cold soft touch had replaced to warm hard touch. Her gaze, she was so fragile. She has lost her charm. A stiffness had arised in her face. Anger, pain everything arised in me. I removed her hand from my forehead and walked forward. But then heard a screeching sound from behind. I rushed to her and moved her out of the speeding car's direction. But the force in which I dragged her, we were in bugging position.

Monami POV,
I couldn't sleep and eat. It was all tears formed. Not able to bear it, came out of the room and hugged the tree but it wasn't the same. There wasn't that peace which I used to get while hugging earlier. I thought to go on a walk. Somewhere I sensed karan's presence, ignoring the thought I went ahead. The band Sid gave fell out of my hand and j bend down to pick it. It was then I noticed him standing all lost in thoughts. So my intuition was correct. He was following me. I went to him. He hasn't come out of it. Stammering words came out of his mouth. Internally I chuckled at his expression. He moved ahead. As he walked turning his head behind, I saw a pole on his way. Before he could understand my indication, banged his face on the pole. I rushed to see him. All of sudden, he removed my hands from forehead and moved ahead. Puzzled at his actions, I stared at his was only to find within seconds I was hugging him.

K : are you okay??
M : hmm
He left the hug and walked. I stared at the figure passing by.

This shot might take a time as I'm not able to spend much time onto it becoz of work. So kindly be patient. I would upload as soon as possible.
Enjoy reading till then.

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