Misunderstanding -2

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Continuation with the last shot. Enjoy reading.

Rest of the team headed back to Parakaram except Karan, Sid, Sanju, Koel and Faizi. Karan and Sidsa were so adamant that they stayed outside the room and it was only Koezi went inside Monami's room.

(Koel and Faizi are married)
Koel : they have so much love and care for her, but not showing
Faizi : what can I do? Haven't you seen, how adamant they are. Look at Karan, he is restless and until he sees her completely fine, he wouldn't be at peace.
Koel : don't know why Monami did such a thing. This all wouldn't have happened if that incident didn't occur.
Faizi : I'm sure, Monami have her own explain for that. Anyways even if they don't care, I can't leave her alone.
Koel : hmmm
They looked at the unconscious figure lying.

Around 3:30 a.m, Karan woke up from sleep. He didn't know when he slept off. Opposite side there were Sidsa and Koezi sleeping. He quietly entered the room just to have a glance on her.

As soon as he entered, could see that she was disturbed in the sleep. Tears were rolling down. she struggled to get breath. He rushed to her, and patted her. She woke up with a jolt. She could see Karan near her. She couldn't produce the words out of mouth. She was so fragile. He took a glass of water and handed over to her.   She sip it and got back to sleep. He sat there until she slept. There was an urge to give a forehead kiss. But he restricted himself.

Next morning, Mr and Mrs Batra visited her.
Mr Batra : Monami, how are you dear?
She nodded okay
Mrs Batra : how long are you going to hold on to your promise. It's highh time you tell the truth to them. You are screwing up urs and karan's Life for a promise. You have a long career ahead.
Monami : it's okay ma'am. Let it go in this way. While committing that mistake, I had a hope somewhere in my heart that they would trust my actions but I was mistaken. If not Karan atleast Sid......
She started sobbing...... I'm used to loosing relations....My mum, dad, Sid and.....Karan.

Mrs Batra, hugged and comforted her.
" Get back soon, dear. Parakaram is waiting for your presence."

After 5 days, Monami was discharged. Koezi took her back to SAF. She hadn't seen Karan after the night incident. Somewhere in her heart she was longing to see him.

They showed her room. She could see there was a single bed only.
Monami : seems like Sanjana doesn't want to share room with me
Koezi looked at eachother
Koel : It's not the case, Monami.
She fumbled with words. Monami curiously looked at her.
Faizi : Sidsa got married last month.
Monami looked at them shocked. Her Sid had got married without informing her. She remembered the moments spend with him, and how he used to tell her about his wedding days where she would be constantly around him.........

Tears formed in her eyes, not wanting Koezi to know her tears, she asked them to leave her, and would manage by herself. After they left, she locked the door and cried.

She didn't came up for lunch and dinner. She said she was tired and would have it later to Koezi. She wanted to be alone. It was better when she was out of SAF. She didn't had to directly see all these.

On the other hand, Karan was worried for Monami. Even though he didn't accepted and acknowledged about it. She wasn't there for lunch and dinner. He wanted to know of she was alright or not. He heard from koezi that Monami came to know about Sidsa marriage.

He understood that she might need time to adjust with it. He felt bad for her, but at the same time he felt she deserved it.

He couldn't sleep properly at that night. He was feeling guilty and anxious about Monami. However he hated her for destroying his trust, he wanted her to be alright too. He left his room to check on her.

Would be continued in next shot
Kindly ignore any mistakes and enjoy reading.

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