chapter four: the plan

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"And the rumor's still rampant! What about The Goonies? Some of those kids thought it was B.S. until they found the treasure. And they weren't even..."

"Brown! We're brown. Only white kids find treasure," Monse cuts him off as Ruby's abuela walks into the room.


Ruby addresses his abuela, "What are you looking for?"

"Baby Jesus! He's missing. The special one blessed by the bishop. I put him in here before I
started to move into my room," she responds.

Ruby looks over at Jamal and narrows his eyes. "Dude, you're holding it."

"No, this is Toddler Jesus," Jamal defends and continues, "Babies don't stand. This Jesus
is probably already potty trained. And this isn't a diaper, these are booty shorts."

Ruby's abuela holds out her hand and Jamal sighs before handing over the figurine. She walks out of the room as Ruby clenches his teeth and says, "Sit down. Sit."

Cesar stands up and states, "All right, I'm out."

"We haven't even pitched the final M," Monse responds while rolling her eyes.

"Don't need to."

Monse pushes Cesar back down on the bed. "Manipulation."

"Through negotiation," Jamal and Lili continue.

"With cogent, well-articulated arguments," Ruby finishes.

"So, that's it? That's the plan? You're gonna get me out of the gang with cogent, well-articulated arguments?", Cesar confirms.


"Never gonna happen. Good talk," Cesar responds walking off.


The crew walk up the stairs of school as Ruby talks. "Cesar's reaction was a wake-up
call. The plan isn't fully formed. We need more time to let our ideas marinate before we take action."

"Marinate? No. We got to cook now," Monse responds. "The longer we wait, the deeper Cesar's in. Right now he's got no responsibilities. We got to get him out before he puts in work."

Cesar walks up behind the four and makes Lili jump. "Who's putting in work? You still with that?"

"No," they all respond.

"With what?"

Cesar walks around to put his arm around Jamal's shoulder. "Jamal?"

"We're still with it."

Cesar sighs and walks in front of the crew to stop them. "This isn't funny anymore. Trying to reason with my brother's dumb.You gotta promise you're gonna drop it."

"You're overreacting-", Monse tries to start but Cesar cuts her off.

"Especially you. Promise."

She replies fast, "I promise."

"Okay, good. See you after class," Cesar finishes and then walks off.

"So, who's gonna do it?" Lili asks when he walks off.

"Not Jamal." Ruby and the mentioned boy answer at the same time.

"I'll do it."

"No, no, no, no, no. Your mouth is gonna get us killed," Jamal replies to Monse.

"Yeah, Monse's a total no-go. So, that leaves me," Ruby agrees but then stops in his tracks.

"But it can't be me."

"It's you," Lili and Jamal respond still walking with Monse.

"You said it can't be me!", Monse yells in defense.

"But what about Liliana?", he starts to ask.

"Liliana's heart is to weak to handle that level of stress," she answers for herself.

"I think this is up for discussion. I mean, for starters, I'm small. There's nothing about me that's even remotely intimidating and, actually, on numerous occasions, I've been told that just looking at me makes people laugh. I also don't do anybody any favors by being the smartest
person in the room." The three half-heartedly listen to Ruby's rant while walking and being on their phones.

"And no one wants to feel dumb when they can't pick up what I'm layin' down. It's belittling. You follow?"

"Hm-mmm." The three shake their heads still only half listening. They start to take selfies with each other and Lili shows Jamal and Monse a funny post.

"You see, this is what I'm talking about. I transcend the universal plane of thought and linger on the precipice of the celestial realm. I can't even keep up with myself. But it's who I am."

"But if all of that isn't convincing enough, then dare I remind you of my sensitive skin and inability to wear thick cotton," the three start to roll their eyes. They stop to address Ruby.

"What are you talking about?", Monse asks.

"I can't hide my sweat. And I sweat profusely when I'm nervous. Which I am right now. I mean, look, full clam. No shell. I rest my case," Ruby finishes. The three start to clap slowly at an uneven pace and Ruby slightly smiles.


"That was impressive."

"So eloquent."

"Sold me on why he shouldn't do it."

"Which is exactly why he should!", Lili decides.

"Congratulations. You got the job," Monse says while smiling and walking off.

"Again," Jamal finishes. They leave Ruby standing by himself as the bell rings.

"Brilliance is a curse."

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