Benny Rodriguez/Phillips You Deserve Better ⚠️🦋 F

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You nodded your head, settling on this answer. That's gotta be it, right? 

Before you knew it, the sun was setting and the sky began to change from a light blue into a dark array of oranges, pinks and blues. You hopped off the counter and walked towards your room, settling down for the night.

However when the time came for you to finally go to bed, you couldn't. The thoughts of your boyfriend were clouding your head. Why was he acting that way? Is he possibly...cheating...?

You shook your head, hoping to leave the thoughts behind as you squeezed your eyes shut as if it would do anything. 'God, I better just be overthinking this....'


You rummaged through your closet, hoping to find a decent looking dress for your date with Phillips. 

You wanted to look nice, you'd been planning this date for months. Why? Well cause it was your 1-year anniversary. 

Only 12 months ago Phillips had asked you out, it was in the middle of one of his games aswell. His team was down by 2, and you were there in the stands with some of your friends. Phillips had taken a nasty fall and had to be benched, and you rushed down to the dugout to help him. 

"Are you alright?! You're bleeding..." 

 "I can see that. But hey, maybe you can kiss it better, pretty girl?"

Cheesy as it was, the comment still managed to make you blush. 

"I hate to break it to you, but i think it'll take a lot more then just a kiss to heal that."

"Yeah I guess you're what about a date then?"


"You heard me. A date from you? Enough to bring a man to his knees." He smirks, enunciating the word 'knees'. 

"Alright Phillips- pick me up at 7?"

"Can't wait"

After that he was magically healed. His knee wasn't enough to slow him down- he just got a date with the girl of his dreams. What could be better? Next thing they knew- they had won 13-9. 

You sighed, hands resting on a hanger in your wardrobe. 'If only things were still that way...'

Looking up at the clock, you realized you only had about 20 minutes until you had to leave. Panicking, you grabbed one of your nice outfits and pulled it on quickly. Hurrying through your small, one story house you grabbed some shoes and a jacket. By the end of it, you managed to leave the house with 2 minutes to spare. 

Walking out of your house and into the nice, warm sunshine, you can began to make your way to the local diner. You and Phillips had gone there on your first date, so it was only fit to go there for an anniversary. 

Approaching the short, light blue building, you looked around for Phillips. Not seeing him, you brushed it off and just assumed he was already inside. However, when you walked inside, you still weren't able to see him. A bad feeling made itself known in your chest, as you fidgeted with one of your bracelets nervously. 

Choosing to ignore it, you sat down at an empty booth and made yourself comfortable  on the deep red cushion. 'He's probably just running late...'

But yet, a half hour passed and still there was no sign of your boyfriend. Fed up, you stood up from the table and walked away. Why would he stand you up like that? After already agreeing to go, and even helping with the planning? Gosh, the nerve that boy had. 

You trudged through the town, a frown visible on your face. Where the hell was he? He didn't have any sort of baseball event, he would've t said something. There wasn't any sort of birthday coming up, hell even his mother had helped him with his part of the planning. So why would he bail...

A voice took you away from your thoughts. "Hey Y/n!" You turned and saw Benny running towards you. He was wearing his classic Babe Ruth jersey, blue jeans, and scuffed up P.F flyers. A navy blue baseball cap sat atop his head, complementing the rest of his outfit perfectly. Hell it complemented his face perfectly.

"Hey, Benny" you said weakly, continuing to walk as Benny took his place next to you. Taking note of your expression, Benny raised an eyebrow. "You alright?" He asked, looking at you with concern. You sighed. "Phillips didn't show up to the diner." You said.

Benny's face visibly hardened, and he scoffed silently. 'What a jerk, can't say I'm surprised." 

However when he saw your pained, and frustrated face his expression softened slightly. He put a hand on your shoulder sympathetically. "I'm sorry, man. That sucks." You nodded, not saying anything. You continued down the route to your house, Benny walking next to you. It was silent, but it was a comfortable silence.

"So uh, do you wanna get some pop?" Benny asked. You looked up at him, before smiling a bit. "Sure, that sounds great." He smiled back at you, and your route changed so you were now headed towards the store. 

You two chatted while you walked, distracting you from the summer heat of the afternoon. "So he just kissed her? Right there?" You laughed, raising an eyebrow. Benny chuckled. "Yep- but hey, that's Squints for ya." You both laughed, approaching the store up ahead. "Oh, and it's on me, so don't worry about paying!" Benny said, reaching into his pocket. You shook your head.

"No, no I got it- you don't have to" 

You stopped walking, frozen in shock at the sight in front of you. 'please say I'm seeing things....' 

Benny, noticing you weren't next to him anymore, turned around to look at you. "Y/n?" When you didn't answer, he moved to be next to you and followed your gaze. And what he saw, well it made him want to smack somebody. 

"Oh that son of a bitch..."

In front of you, was Phillips. He was walking down the sidewalk, some girl on his arm and a stupid grin on his face. They were laughing about something, and he leaned down to kiss her. Your boyfriend, leaned down to kiss another girl. 

He pulled away for a moment, only to lean down again and engage in a much longer, more passionate kiss with the girl. 

You clenched your fists, looking down at the ground. "Well fuck..." you muttered, tears threatening to spill. Benny turned to you, his angry glare softening when he saw the state you were in. You let out a shaky breathe, before beginning to walk away. "I-I'm gonna go..."  Benny watched sympathetically, turning back to the pair and glaring. "Fuck you phillips" the boy mumbles. 

He then turned to your disappearing figure, and ran to catch up with you. "Y/n wait!!"

You turned to look at him, holding back tears as he slowed down to a stop in front of you. Without a word, he pulled you into his chest and hugged you tightly. You embraced the hug, wrapping your arms around his torso as you finally let the tears spill.

"What did I do...." You cried. Benny's heart broke when you said that, but it only made him angrier at Phillips. 'That bastard....' He thought, rubbing your back soothingly. He knew he couldn't do anything while you were here, so instead he would wait. 

You in the other hand, you felt like your world had just shattered. After a year of what seemed like a healthy, amazing even, relationship, he still betrayed you like this. And for what? 

Benny kissed your forehead, rubbing circles on your back. Despite everything that happened, you felt safe in his arms. Like nothing bad would ever happen to you. 

"Thank you, Benny..."

"Of course, I'm always here." 

Lol that was cringe. Anyways I'm probably gonna do a part 2, cause this was getting way too long. Thanks so much for reading <

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