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Published- 3/28/2022

"Evelyn, I can't thank you enough, Carla wasn't available to come in today and I had no one to watch him." Eddie thanked the shorter girl as he helped her get Christopher in her truck.

"Eddie, it's not a problem besides I love kids. Babysitting was my favorite thing to do in Texas." Eve exclaimed, hoping to get the point across. She really did love kids. She did a lot of babysitting in her teenage years. It was how she got the money to run away, well apart from the money she got from Judd and Grace.

"Well, still." Eddie said, "So bud I hear you're making brownies. I wonder what else you'll do?" he had it phrased as a question while glancing at Eve.

"Well I was thinking we will make some brownies and then have a movie session with some popcorn." She said, turning to look at Christopher. The two adults saw the boy's face light up at the word movie.

"Really!! Can we watch Scooby doo?" Chris asked, bouncing in his seat.

"Absolutely, we can watch anything you want as long your dad is okay with it." The feline-like female said, glancing over at Eddie to gauge his reaction to her claim.

"Definitely as long as it is nothing gory or scary, you can watch whatever you wish. You know the rules about movies so don't break them" he said, directing it to his son who is in the seat, strapped in and looking ready to go.

"Yes dad."

"Alright, well we are going to head out," Evelyn said, gently closing her truck door. "I'll call you when we get to bucks place." Looking down as she said this, she was embarrassed that she's living with Buck for the time being. This was also the first time she would be mentioning to someone who wasn't Buck or Hen.

"Okay, thanks again for doing this, it means a lot." Eddie said, giving the small girl a hug. It became apparent to the whole fire house that Evelyn liked hugs and affection in general. They all didn't mind and would just give her hugs and head pats whenever. He was slightly confused on why Evelyn was going to bucks place but decided to just ask buck instead. Helping the girl into her truck, Eddie closed the door after waving to Christopher.

"Walking into the fire house, Eddie made his way over to Buck who was walking to Hen and Chimney. "Hey Buck, why is Evelyn going to your place instead of hers?"

"Oh, her apartment building got bought out from her landlord and it's going to be torn down. She asked if she could stay with me until she found another place. She only had like two weeks to move out." Buck answered with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Ah okay"

With Chris and Evelyn at Bucks place

"So are you ready to start making Brownies?" Evelyn asked, turning around to hand Chris a drink. They had arrived at bucks place around 10 minutes and had been getting all the ingredients for the brownies. Eve had gone to the store the day before after her shift to get the ingredients because she wanted to make enough for everyone at the station. During that time, Christopher had gotten thirsty so she had gotten him a glass of water.

"Yes! What kind are we making first? On the way here you said we had two options!!" Christopher exclaimed, beaming up at the woman.

"Awesome! Well I was thinking we could start off with the double fudge brownies." the silverette answered, clapping her hands together. Christopher and her started to measure out all the ingredients needed before mixing it all together. Once that was done, Evelyn turned around to put the pan in the oven. What she didn't know is that Christopher had a handful of flour to throw at her. Turning around, she was greeted by flour to the face. It was in her hair, on her face and on her beanie. She wasn't mad in fact she found it funny and so did Chris judging by the way he was doubled over laughing, leaning on his crutches. There was no way she could be mad at the small boy. "Okay well considering that batch is in. Let me go clean up considering I am now covered in flour thanks to someone. I'll be right back." She had walked over to her backpack to get a clean beanie before she headed to the bathroom to wash her face. Taking off her white beanie that was covered in flour, she washed her face and shook out her hair hoping to get the flour out.

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