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"We'll go to bed. You can call me tomorrow." Judd ordered the girl, knowing that she struggles with getting enough sleep. "I'll text you so you know that grace and I get home from the bar."

"Okay, goodnight Judd. I love you. Tell Grace I said hi." Evelyn said, a yawn coming from her.

"Love you too kiddo. Get some sleep."


The next morning, Evelyn woke up to a notification from Judd. saying that they got home at around eleven pm. Smiling to herself, she sent a smiley face back. Looking at her clock, she noticed she had an hour to get ready.

After her walk to work, she walked straight up the stairs already having her uniform already on. Hoping to get some food before the first call, she walked over the table holding donated food. The silverette grabbed a muffin before heading over to Hen who was on the couch. "Is that reporter gonna be here again today?" Evelyn prompted, plopping herself down the couch, taking a bite of muffin.

"Ya, she is." Hen said, having a bowl of cereal. "Why don't you like her?"

"I'm just not a fan of being on tv or being the center of attention." Evelyn answered, tucking some hair behind her ear before pulling the beanie further on her head to secure it further. Hen understood what she meant just by the simple action the petite girl did subconsciously. Hen just nodded her head, both women fell into a comfortable silence finishing out their breakfast. After a few minutes, they heard a van pull in, earning a groan from the younger female.

"Welp, wanna help me organize the van?" Hen asked, standing up to put her bowl in the sink

"Ya, sure!" Getting up also, Evelyn and Hen walked down the stairs and over the van to hide from the reporter. After cleaning the med van up, they finally got a call. The call was to a beach that was hosting a contest for bodybuilders. One of the contestants was stuck in a muscle pose.

Arriving on scene, Bobby laid the way with the newscaster following right behind the team. Evelyn gave a slight dirty look towards the reporter thinking she was being overbearing while they were on call. "LAFD, clear a path!" Bobby yelled over the crowd so they could get to the man. Walking up to the man, they surveyed his position.

"Looks like extreme hyponatremia." Evelyn said, kneeling down to help Hen and Chimney get their things ready.

"W-what?" The other man, Bret, asked a little confused.

"He's got a charley horse." Hen said, using less medical terms.

"He is a charley horse." Chim quickly helped hen and eve.

"What's your name?" Bobby asked the young man,


"Okay, Charlie, When was the last time you had any fluids?" Bobby asked, getting right into helping the guy.

"Yesterday Afternoon."

"Flushed yourself for the competition today?" Chimney asked, pulling on the blue gloves.

"And for the weigh-in, to make the veins pop." Charlie answered, struggling to speak it seemed.

"Well , you are definitely popping."

"Alright Charlie your potassium and sodium have bottom up and that's why you're seized up." Bobby explained, "Now, before we start replenishing your electrolytes, you got to answer me honestly, Are you dosing?" Bobby asked with a serious expression grazing his face. While he was talking, Evelyn was attempting to put a blood pressure cuff on his arm but couldn't because of his position and muscle mass. She turned around to look at the hen, silently asking what to do. Hen took it from her and managed to get it wrapped around his upper arm with a bit of struggle.

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