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So she's wearing this shirt with a normal pink pleated skirt and black converse. 


Austin, Texas. Fire station 126

Judd was at work, standing in the kitchen, chatting with the team. After a few minutes, He got a call. Looking at his phone he saw that it was Evelyn. Walking away, he answered the phone.

"Hey sweetie, what's up?" He answered the phone, it wasn't like her to call this early in her time zone. She normally waited till he was home with Grace. The voice that answered wasn't the one the Texan expected.

"Hello, my name is Howie. I work with Evelyn. She had some LSD that was put into some brownies we got at the fire station. When I asked her if there was someone she had to watch over while she was recovering." Judd listens to mid range male voice come from the phone. When Judd heard that Evelyn had taken an LSD he was immediately concerned. "She's fine, just a bit loopy." Judd had calmed down slightly at this.

Turning around to look at his coworkers, he noticed they were all looking at him and trying to listen to his conversation. Giving them all a look, he walked further away. "Ah, okay, well I'm at work, but she'll probably fall asleep, won't she?" Hoping this was the case because he didn't want to leave her alone even though he was actually there.

"Ya she will," Howie answered "She's currently holding onto me falling asleep. So I imagine it won't be too long. Maybe long enough for her to change." Judd sighed in relief.

"Okay, can you hang up and facetime me so I can see her?" Judd asked, glancing back at his team.

"Uh ya give me a second." Howie said. Accepting the facetime request, Judd was greeted by a Asian man, maybe around his age. Howie was tall, with black hair, and was wearing a uniform similar to Judd. He could see that Evelyn was out of it, laying on her bed, still in her uniform. "Alright, well I'm going to hand the phone to her. I have to go. Um, do you want my number in case something happens?" He heard Eve's coworker ask.

"Uh, yeah that'd be great. Thank you for taking care of her." Judd said, offering chim a friendly smile.

"Ya no problem, she's a great coworker. She offered to make brownies because there was none left. My number is xxx xxx xxxx." Chimney said, handing the girl the phone. "Hey, Evelyn, I'm gonna head out okay. Judd is on the phone and he has my number in case something is wrong." Judd saw the girl nod and mumble a thank you. Howie then left.

"Judd, I'm sleepy." He heard the girl whisper as she went to lay down, still in full uniform.

"Honey, I need you to get into your pjs" Judd said softly, the girl listened to him, dropping the phone on her bed. Judd could see nothing and only heard a drawer open and some rustling of clothes before she picked the phone back up. The girl's hair was messy and she had bags under her eyes. "Okay now you can go to bed. I will stay on call until you fall asleep."

Seeing as Eve trusted Judd with her life, she did exactly as he said. "Okay, goodnight, I love you" Evelyn responded before passing out despite it being mid afternoon.

"Love you too, Kiddo" Judd just smiled at her before hanging up and letting the guy she works with know that she's okay and she just fell asleep.

"Now Judd, who was that?" He heard Marjan say, "I know that wasn't Grace."

"It's no one you guys need to worry about." Judd said, turning around to face them. "Just a really good friend who lives in LA."

"Well, are they okay?" Tk asked, "Sounded like something was wrong"

"Oh ya," Judd answered, "Her fire station accepts food as a donation and someone laced some brownies with LSD and she had some. Her coworker ended up taking her home and they took her phone and called me."

"Oh okay." They all kind of just shrugged it off knowing Judd wouldn't lie about that type of stuff.


Evelyn woke up, a few hours later, super groggy. Her phone was lying next to her. Turning it on, she texted Chim, letting him know she was okay. Getting a thumbs up back, Evelyn got out of her bed to get some food. Making her way to her kitchen, Eve just made something super simple, which was cereal.

Standing at her kitchen island eating her lucky charms. She thought about her plans for tomorrow. Evelyn had to take some boxes to Evans apartment while he was at work before she headed to the station to pick up Christopher for Eddie. While she was there, the highlight of the fire station was going to be showing. She guessed she would stay to watch it with the crew. She didn't really want to but she can imagine that Chris will want to see it. The woman walked to her couch to watch some TV while she finished dinner. After dinner, she washed her face, took a shower, and then went to bed.

Waking up in the morning Evelyn managed to get out of bed even though she really didn't want to. Going through her morning routine after she washed her bowl. She threw on a light pink pleated skirt with a large off white t-shirt. The shirt has a square with an orange on a stick on it and underneath are the words "citrus sparkling coffee." Picking out a white beanie, she threw it on before applying some basic nude makeup. Throwing on her black sneakers, before grabbing her bag, keys and iced coffee. She decided to only take over 3 boxes to Evans place because she was running out of time.

Taking the boxes over to Evans she opened the door with the key she got from Evan.

The petite woman entered her place of work, she was immediately spotted by her taller coworker and new roommate. "Hey Eve, hurry up, it's just about to start!" She heard him shout from the upper level of the fire house. Making her way to the stairs, Evelyn could hear the red haired reporter's voice coming from the tv.

"We see them everyday on the streets of Los Angeles, running into burning buildings, pulling people from wrecked cars and collapsing high risings, and even saving this reporter from a helicopter that spun out of control." Walking over to Eddie and taking a seat on the arm rest. She waved to everyone and greeted Christopher who grinned at her before turning back to the tv. She smiled at his excitement at seeing his dad on the tv.

"Where's the cap?" Buck asked, grabbing some popcorn, turning to Chimney. Evelyn was also interested in where the captain was, tuned in while still looking at the tv. "He is not watching with us?"

"No, he said he had other things to do" Leaving it at that everyone turned back to the tv.

"They are brave men and women of the Los Angeles fire department and it was their own brush with death that inspired me to share their story. So you all can see what it takes and what it means to be one of them." It was at this point ,Evelyn blanked out seeing as she really didn't care what happened on the television. She was mostly thinking about what would happen if her parents saw the program on the 118. She didn't know what she would do if her parents found her. After that she kind of just started thinking about random things like cats and maybe buying a new plant. By the time she came back from thinking, the program was over. It was time for her to leave with Christopher so everyone can get back to work. She was planning on taking him back to Bucks, seeing as her apartment was nearly empty from moving, and they were gonna make brownies.

Walking over to Eddie and Christopher, she smiled at the two. "Hey Chris, you ready to head out. We're gonna go to Buck's place and make brownies."


So yay she's gonna watch over Christopher on her day off. That's fun. I feel like I always say that I'm sorry when I post a chapter and I am because it takes me so long to get them out. So I once again apologize for my tardiness. I really have no structure in my life at the moment. :( I hope you can forgive me. Next chapter will be Christopher and Eve hanging out and having a good time. I'm really excited for the next chapter. :)

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