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"Well, see ya when we get back girly. Keep relaxing please." Hen said before getting up and running to the ambulance with Chim, while the guys ran to the fire truck. Evelyn decided to lay on the couch and play on her phone, waiting for them to get back.


Evelyn had spent around an hour on her phone, just playing games and messing around on Facebook. Around the time that Eve was getting bored, the truck had come back. She was laying with her back on the couch, she had her arm thrown over her face. Shielding her eyes, from the harsh light in the firehouse. Hearing the team walk up the stairs, Evelyn removed her arm and sat up, rubbing her eyes while yawning.

"Hey Eve, how much sleep did you get last night?" Evelyn had heard Booby ask after putting his hand on her shoulder. At this sudden touch, she had given a small flinch. This little flinch was noticed by everyone but the petite female. Who was still recuperating from her nap.

"Oh, you know, the normal amount..."

"And how much is that?" Hen jumped in, knowing that Eve's sleep schedule was a mess.

"Around 4 hours," Evelyn said, not thinking it was a big deal. She hadn't been getting a decent amount of sleep since 8th grade.

Hearing this, everyone glanced at each other, feeling concerned for their youngest member, their family. "Buck, I'm giving you twenty five minutes to drive her home and to get back to the station. Make sure she goes to bed. Got it?" Bobby commanded, giving the two youngest a stern look. :Now look here, Evelyn you need to get at least 8 hours of sleep. Please get at least 6." Evan gave a nod at his captain before picking the young girl up, bridal style. Walking out, you could hear Evelyn mumble in protest before giving up and closing her eyes.

Evan placed the 21 year old in his jeep, buckling her up before closing the door and walking to the drivers side. The drive to her apartment was a short one, only a ten minute drive. When he got to her apartment, Evan parked next to her truck. He had to shake Evelyn awake because he wanted to make sure she was alright. "Hey, you okay? You seemed out of it at the station."

"Ya, I'm fine. Guess I didn't realize how tired I was until I laid down on the couch." Evelyn said, getting out of Evans' jeep. Evan followed her lead. The two walked up to her apartment in silence. "Alright, I guess, I'm gonna take a nap like Bobby told me too." Evelyn said, shortly after she yawned.

"Okay, I'll see you later. I got to get back to work before my twenty five minutes are up" The taller male said, "I'll come by later to see if you need anything?"

"Okay, let me know when you're on your way." Evelyn said, sitting on her couch as Buck walked to the door. "Be safe please... I can't lose anyone else.." Evelyn had mumbled the last so buck couldn't hear it. Little did she know, he did. The taller male glanced at her, lips sagging slightly. Closing the door behind him, Evan decided not to tell the others what he had heard from the sleep deprived female. He shook his head, before heading back to the station.

Meanwhile in the apartment, Evelyn was getting ready to take the nap Bobby had ordered her to. She took off her cropped sweater and jeans, changing into her pajamas. Her pjs were a cami top and matching pair of shorts. The pattern was of whales in a dark, navy blue galaxy background. The female pulled back the white comforter of her bed for crawling in, wrapping her tail around her leg and scratching her ear. She gave a small yawn before she drifted off.

Evelyn woke up in a dark room, judging by the walls and ground, it looked like a basement. Evelyn sat up looking around, she immediately recognized her surroundings. Her parents' basement in Dallas, Texas. In the corner, she saw a young girl. Her blonde hair knotted and dirty, she had small black ears on her head and a small black tail wrapped around her waist. Her head was buried in her knees and she was shivering.

For some reason, the older version could remember this exact night even though she tried her hardest to block it out. The older her could hear the basement door open along with heavy footsteps coming down the dinghy wooden stairs. Her younger selves head snapped up while her ears twitched. The young girl remained still and timid hoping to come off as little and submissive, hoping she wouldn't insight the wrath of the man. Now the man had never inflicted physical pain on the 10 year old but mental pain is another story. He didn't want her and made sure she knew it. Telling her, "I will never love you, You are a pain, Thank your mother you are still here." Both versions of the woman knew that the girl's mother didn't care about her. The only reason they kept her was because it would be suspicious if the girl just disappeared. This was the main reason, the girl was often sent to her grandparents for most of the summer.

Younger Evelyn wasn't paying attention to her father, hoping that if she stayed timid he wouldn't yell at her. It apparently wasn't her day. Her father yanked her up by her frail, skinny arm. He shoved a set of semi clean clothes in her arms, "Get dressed, you're going to your grandparents for a while." hearing this gave the feline like human a sense of relief. She was going somewhere safe and where she'd be loved. Her father marched upstairs not waiting for her. He opened the door and a flash appeared.

When the flash was gone, Evelyn sat up in her bed in her apartment. Glancing around made her notice this, seeing her clock reading 4pm. She had managed to get four hours. That was the most she had gotten at one time in a while. Evan said that he would be done his shift at the station in an hour and decided to order some food for when he got here.

With Evan Buckley.

A ding could be heard from Evan as he sat in the truck, on the way back to the station. "Who's that, Buck? Your secret girlfriend?" Chim had said teasing buck.

'No, it's Evie, she's asking what I want for food. She's gonna order it at her apartment when I get there." Buck said looking down at his phone, thinking for a moment before typing out sweet and sour chicken from the place on fourth. He got another text saying okay and that she'll see him soon. Buck smiled, man did he love this girl like a sister.  

"Are you going over there after your shift?" Eddie asked, looking over Bucks shoulder at his phone. 

"ya she wanted a movie night to hangout." 


Okay, so I know its short but it took me a while to write. I am so sorry for not updating. I am a senior in high school, so I am dealing with graduation, prom and I just got a job. I am really trying to get chapters out. I hope that you forgive me. On a slightly happier note, I made a discord. If you would I like to join here is the server ID(832679737951256647) If this doesn't, message me and let me know. I'm still learning how to work a server in discord. Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy the story. 

Thank you, 


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