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After tying up her boots, tucking her shirt in, putting her belt on, and throwing her beanie on, she exited the bathroom. When the rest of the team heard the door open, they all thought the same thing. They all thought that they would protect her because to them she was already family.


Shortly after Evelyn came out of the bathroom, the 118 got a call. The station bell started going when they received the call. "You ready, Clay? First call super exciting." Buck said jogging to the truck with Evelyn who was fidgeting slightly nervous for her first call. Hopping in the truck, she smiled at Buck.

"Nope, okay maybe a little. But I'm sure everyone here was so it's alright." She said looking up at him from her seat next to him. Now the height difference was large between the 21 year old and 26 year old. Seeing Evelyn seated next to Evan, one would think that she was much younger than what she actually was.

After a short drive, they made it to the call. A small house that had a large tree in the front. Under the tree, there were two adults, a woman and a male, they were both looking up at something rather panicked. As the firefighters got closer, they noticed that there was a small boy holding a white and black cat. Evelyns face lit up and she asked "Cap can i go up? I know i can do this." With a really determined face on while staring up at the child and cat.

"Alright! Everyone Clay is going up. Mam, what's your son's name?" Bobby said, looking up with everyone else as the boy looked down at them clutching the tree branch and the cat. The cat was staring at Eve like it knew her secret and it probably did, cats have this weird thing where they trust Eve without a second thought.

"Carter! His name is Carter!" the mom said in an obviously panicked voice. Bobby was quick to get her to calm down. They didn't want Carter to hear or notice that his mom was scared. That would most likely cause him to panic and that could put him, Eve, and the cat earlier.

"Alright, Eve you heard her. Get on up there." Bobby told Evelyn as she had finished getting her harness on. The petite female gave bobby a nod before starting to go up the ladder.

Once she reached the boy, Eve smiled at him, "Hi Carter, my name is Evelyn. Mind explaining to me why you're in a tree with your cat?" Slowly reaching her hand out for the small boy to grab.

The boy, Carter, responded with "Well patches climbed the tree and couldn't get down and I didn't want to worry mom so I just decided to climb the tree to get her down but then I couldn't get down so I had to yell for my parents and then you guys came." while his face held an upset look at the fact that he had upset his parents. "Do you think they are mad? What if they're mad? I don't wanna go down if they're mad." He was panicking at this point.

"Carter, calm down. I promise you they aren't mad. They are extremely worried because you're in a tree but not mad. If you don't believe me wanna come down from there and find out?" Evelyn said keeping a calm attitude does help further calm the boy. She smiled when he gave a small nod and reached his hand out to hold hers. Once in her grasp, she held on tight as the boys retracted the truck ladder to get the two to safety.

"You know, patches normally don't like other people but she likes you." Carter said looking at his cat who was nudging her head on Evelyn's hand that was holding onto Carter's shirt. "She must know your good." He said looking up at the female who smiled down at him.

The second they were on the ground, the boy's parents rushed over and kneeled down to check him over. Hen had to politely ask them to move so she could give him a proper check over. The boy had handed the cat over to Evelyn when Hen asked him to put her down. Carter's parents seemed surprised when Patches gave no fight when being put in the petite firefighter care. "Good job Clay, interesting first call. Very cliché. Saving a cat from a tree." Buck said coming over slinging his arm over her shoulder.

Patches decided that she didn't like him and managed to scratch Evans' hand. She got him pretty good because he started to bleed. "Oh Buck are you okay?" Evelyn asked, worried moving the cat away from Evan and looking over at his hand. Once away from Buck, the cat calmed down and snuggled back up to Evelyn.

"Ya im fine. Just need a Band-aid." Buck said looking down at his hand. At this moment, Hen and Chim had finished the check up on Carter, they moved on to Buck. Evelyn had also given Patches back to Carter who looked at her with a face that "I told you so". Evelyn giggled at this saying goodbye to the boy and going back to the truck. Buck had gotten a band-aid on his hand.

"Man why didn't the cat bite or scratch you? You were holding it." Evan said faking being mad when in reality he didn't mind. It didn't hurt that bad. They had all gotten in their respective seats on the firetruck.

Evelyn giggled, Causing everyone to smile at her, "I guess animals just like me better." She answered with a smirk rolling her at him



Thank you for reading this part. I hope you enjoyed it and continue reading. I have many good ideas on things that will happen in this story. I hope that you are enjoying reading it as much as I'm enjoying writing it. I think I'm gonna start doing QOTD just for fun.

QOTD-Favorite 911 characters? Mine is Athena. I really like her character and think she's a good role model for girls. 

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