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The day went by pretty quick. The majority of the group had a rough start, but after a few hours they were all bright and shiney. Aleix got a volley-ball out and the group decided to play some games. Aimée joined them and was actually able to hit the ball a few times. She wasn't the tallest, but luckily MotoGP riders aren't known for their height as well. As soon as the sun started to set, they decided to head back towards the villas. Aimée and Marc shared a look before they left to their rooms to get ready.

After half an hour Aimée left her room in the red, white and blue dress which suited her both nationalities, but also hugged her figure perfectly. It was a summer dress her mother bought for her after her weight loss, and she simply loved it. She walked down the stairs and went outside where the guys were sitting. Whistles sounded when she entered the terrace, which made her a little shy. "Stop it" The guys started laughing and shook their heads, "not if you look this good" Fabio scanned her outfit and nodded. "Ready to go?" Marc showed up on her side, looking very handsome in his shorts and white polo shirt. "Let's go" she grabbed his arm and the two waved towards their friends who were whistling after them.

The evening went by fast and the pair had fun on their date. They had a dinner in a local restaurant and agreed on a little beach walk after that. Marc looked at the brunette walking next to him with a different look. They had fun, they enjoyed their night together, but something changed for him. "Aimée?" he started, which made her look in his direction. "What's on your mind?" she looked him in the eye and he could tell she felt the same as him. "Well, to be honest, I really enjoyed this evening together, but I know that these are just friendship feelings. I hope it feels the same to you?" He stopped in the middle of his sentence, which made Aimée stop moving as well. A sigh of relieve left her lips and she looked him straight in the face. "I am so happy you say that, because I feel the same" she placed her hand on her heart and let out another sigh. "Than let's enjoy our friendship and this holiday." The two locked their arms together and continued their walk along the beach.

When arriving back at the villas the two found all their friends waiting for them. They all had question marks on their faces so Aimée decided to just tell them. "We agreed on staying friends guys, no feelings involved." They all started chatting and enjoyed the rest of their night together with loads of sangria and other drinks.


The holiday was over before they knew it and five days later the group found themselves back at the Ibiza airport. They hugged their goodbyes and all went to the right gate. Aimée her flight was the first one to leave the island. She would go straight to the UK, as the race was already in 5 days. Aimée would have one day on her own before the others would arrive, which gave her some time to relax and get back into the racing vibes.

She just arrived in the hotel when she received an incoming call from the teammanager of Audi. She answered the call and heard him out. One of their drivers had an accident and was injured, meaning they needed Aimée to drive their car for at least the coming three races. She agreed to it, which meant that she needed to be in Germany by Tuesday to train and prepare for the race at the Lausitzring. She was jumping up and down from excitement and couldn't hide the joy she felt. "Why are you jumping like a rabbit?" Aimée made a jump scare and held her hand on her heart. "Pierre Gasly, you scared the living hell out of me. What are you doing here already?" She hugged the French man when her heartbeat was back to normal. Pierre couldn't stop laughing and hugged her back. "I arrived earlier because I have a meeting with RedBull tomorrow and I wanted to train a bit, and I wanted to keep you company. How was the holiday and why are you so excited?" The blushes crept up her cheeks after his little confession and a smile showed on her face. "Well first of all the holiday was amazing, just some friends sharing loads of crazy moments and spending some time together. It was simply amazing and it reminded me why Fabio is a crêpe suzette, sweet softie. And for the other part, I just heard that I will be joining DTM next week because one of their drivers is injured. So I will race mister Alex Albon from next week on." Aimée was still excited and couldn't wait for her drive to Germany on Monday.

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