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It was early in the morning when Aimée her alarm went off. She stepped out of her bed and joined her grandfather downstairs to get some breakfast. Aimée pressed a kiss to his cheek saying her good morning before getting some coffee for them both. "Enjoyed the weekend?" Aimée nods upon his question and takes a seat across from Helmut before answering. "The races were great, as the atmosphere hanging in the paddock. Though the weekend got a little black shade with Jason crashing out badly." Helmut finishes his piece of bread and looks over to his granddaughter. "It looked like a horror crash, let's hope he recovers. At what time will you leave today?" Aimée took another sip of her coffee and looked at the clock. "It's a six hour drive towards Faenza, I will leave at 10 to have enough time to get to the factory and collect my stuff." Aimée decided to drive one of her cars towards Italy, to have a car there and be able to move quickly. "I still don't know why you are not flying there, but alright." Aimée laughs at her grandfather as he shakes his head. "Sometimes I believe you look too much like myself." Aimée finishes her breakfast and presses another kiss to Helmut's cheek before leaving the table and collect the final stuff.

"Be save and call me upon arrival." Helmut spreads his arms to hug Aimée tightly before letting her go. "I will do that, see you on Thursday." Helmut nods in agreement and Aimée checks once more if she has all the documents she needs before getting into the shiny Audi S3. She just collected the car before the weekend making it smell all new. The crystal blue colour of it shined brightly in the early Austrian sun as she closed the door and opened the panoramic roof. Aimée waved to her grandfather before turning the car down the driveway onto the road towards Faenza.

Seven hours later Aimée finally parked her car upon the parking lot at the factory. She hurried herself out of the car, running inside because the work day was already ending. She jogged through the front doors over to the reception desk where she found a black haired lady laughing at her. "Ciao Aimée, no worries Francesca is still here waiting for you. I'm Gia by the way." Gia stood up from her stool behind the desk to give the brunette in front of her a quick hug. "I'm Aimée, but you already knew that." Gia smiled at her and then pointed her the direction she needed to go.

"Finally!" She entered Francesca her office who stood there with her hands on her waist. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that." Francesca laughed at her before pulling her in a hug. "I'm just joking, good to see you." Francesca was already with AlphaTauri for a little while, being the one to arrange everything for the team. From hotels, to cars, to meetings, to photoshoots. Everything, for every team member was on her shoulders. At 24 years of age that was an impressive achievement, but being raised as the daugther of a hotellier, she knew how to work. They already know each other for five years, making them friends on the job. "I got you a key to your apartment, which is very close to mine and everything else will be something for tomorrow morning. Now let's get out of here, I made a reservation at my favorite restaurant."

Within a few they left her office when they met Fransz walking down the hallway. "She arrived, had a good trip?" Fransz opens his arms to get a hold of the girl he already knows for years. "I did, that reminds me to call my grandfather." Fransz and Francesca walked ahead of her, talking about the trip to Baku while Aimée was searching through her phone. It was then when she bumped in to someone, thanks to her not paying attention. She almost fell onto the ground, being hold back by a strong hand which grabbed her waist just before tumbling down. "I always knew you fell for me." The Frenchman was laughing at her while Aimée her cheeks got a crimson red color on it. "Aimée?" Suddenly sounded out of her phone, which unfortunately did fall onto the ground. Pierre got her phone after putting her up on her feet.

"She's here and all fine, although she had a meeting with my chest before almost falling to the ground." Aimée heard her grandfather laugh through the phone and she saw Francesca and Fransz desperately trying not to laugh. "Yeah sorry about that." She shyly says to Pierre receiving a smile from the Frenchman in return. "It's nothing, honestly. Great to see you Aimée. I bet your grandfather wants to talk to you now." He hands her the phone back and gives her a wink before heading towards the exit with Pyry by his side.

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