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Monday hit in quick after a busy race weekend in France. It turned out great with both Red Bull's on the podium and stealing some points from Mercedes. Pierre scored some solid points for AlphaTauri and Mick once again beat his teammate in the rankings. Aimée and Mick were currently driving somewhere close to his home in Switzerland where they would spend the night before heading to Austria.

After a few hours the truck was driven onto the driveway to Mick his family home. The two youngsters exited the truck when it was parked and hugged Mick his mother who was waiting at the front door. "Good to see you again Aimée." "Same to you Corinna." Aimée and Mick were pushed inside by Corinna. "Leave your bags for now, lunch first." Mick led Aimée the way to the kitchen where his sister was already set at the table. "Hey little brother, Aimée?" Gina was surprised to see the brunette here, but wrapped her arms around her right away. "You look amazing." "You as well trophy winner." Aimée followed all of Gina her competitions and kept track of her in the World Standings. The two were always good friends growing up, being almost the same age.

It was just after lunch when Aimée and Gina moved outside to the stables where her horses were. The two either got one horse out and saddled them up, ready for a ride through the forest. Gina showed Aimée the way and the two ride away deeper into the forest. Aimée loves horses herself and has riden them her entire life. Not only when she was with the Schumachers, but also when she was younger her and her mother would get out on a Sunday and ride their horses for a few hours. Aimée urges the horse a little more so she would ride next to Gina. "So how's life? Heard you're on the move with the F1 circus." Gina smiled to her friend, whom see hasn't seen for to long. The last time was somewhere around her birthday in February when the two spent a few days together. "It's been busy, on the road with F1 yes, doing my case studies within the two teams and travelling around Europe. It's great to be honest, but also very exhausting." Gina let out a chuckle at her comment. "I do admire you for that. I would get mental if I would be surrounded by all those guys all the time. But to be honest, the fans are worse." Aimée nodds heavily in agreement. "Those fans are so loud all the time, especially the girls. Also Instagram exploded when Kym Illman posted that picture of me and Mick entering the paddock together. It's not for me I guess." Aimée thought back to the first day of the weekend in France. After the dinner with Seb and Mick she went on Instagram, and found the picture Kym posted of them. The reactions were mostly very nice, but there were also some harsh comments. She ignored them, as well did Mick, but it still wasn't nice to see. "Things will ease down whenever you attend more races, but still I can imagine the feeling. You have to ignore them though. Don't forget you are beautiful and amazing. By the way, how are things in boyfriend land?" Aimée chuckles at Gina her final comment, making the German gasp. "You are going to tell me everything, right now." Gina laughs and puts her hands in her side to make her point. "Calm your tits, I will."

It took Aimée almost half an hour to explain everything that had happened the past months and the things the boys told her. "So you and Pierre and there is also someone named Marc Marquez who might like you? But hang on, you said that from June next year you will be living in Barcelona?" "That is correct." "So actually it doesn't matter which of the guys gets your heart, you won't see either of them that often after this year, right?" Aimée lets out a sigh and nodds. "That is exactly the point. I can feel a tension between me and Pierre, we agreed to let time tell us what it is, but if we would get into a relationship I would barely see him after this year. Those are complications." Gina shakes her head in reply. "No, that are hurdles. Only wise thing I can tell you is to follow your heart and don't overthink it. You can't overthink love, it's your heart who stears it." Gina gets off her horse, making Aimée follow her lead. The two tie the reins over a beam and sit down at a little shop where they sell hot chocolate. They drove around in the forests and Gina decided to buy themselves a hot drink at the shops by the entrance of the playground just at the side of the forest. "You know I only make decisions with my head?" "I do, but sometime you should put that pretty head of yours aside and let your heart make some decisions for you." Aimée sighs and makes her head turn towards the little children playing around, careless and having fun without the weight of the world on their shoulders. "You're right, I will let it go and see where it ends." Gina moves closer to Aimée and pulls her into a hug. "That's my girl."

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