Finding New Heroes

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In the morning, Tree goes to school as usual but suddenly there's a crying sound at class 2-B. He checked who is crying and its Penny, Pen's little sister! She's been bullied by random student. Tree's gonna report them to Pen.

Tree: Pen! Your sister has been bullied!

Pen: OMG that kid!

Bully: You're so weak! That's why you always lose every competition that teacher announces.

Pen: Stop bullying my sister you jerk!

Bully: ermm bye

Pen: Jeez he's such a jerk. Are you ok, Penny?

Penny: umm I'm not sure but I'm ok

Pen: Is he bullying you everyday

Penny: Yeah and its annoying

Tree: I guess class is starting

~after class~

Three of them go to the canteen and eat.

Tree: Hey, do you two want to join me?

Penny: Join for what? Is it a competition? Or, is it a club? Is it a friendship work?!

Tree: Yes, Penny. A friendship work. But do you promise to not tell people either if its your friend or close friend or best friend just don't tell it ok?

Pen: Alright, we'll promised we'll not tell the secrets.

Penny: We'll promise!

Tree: Here's what I'm gonna tell you. So, umm... Four has died last night and he told me to keep his power and soulstones from the wrong hand a-and... He said to me that I need to find the 4 selected heroes with this kind of personalities like strength, brave, kindness and secretive. And now I'm a Soulstone Keeper. And I transformed into new. Four said again that I'll be the next Soulstone Keeper. And I have to say 4 Squad Heroes, Transform-


Penny: There are suddenly an explosion and- WOW!!!

Pen: huh? WOW!!

Tree: Why do you guys "wow" me and- *gasp* why did I turn like this.

Penny: You turn into a hero! Omg!

Tree: Ok, but how do I transform back again?

Pen and Penny: IDK :)

Tree: But what if everyone knows this and the secret will be public!?

Pen: Then how do you transform back to normal?

Tree: Four didn't tell me and he just died? Wait I don't know if he's dead or go to the "weird fantasy".

Penny: Well I guess you just need to say "4 Squad Heroes, TURN BACK!" I think.

Tree: ok let me try. 4 Squad Heroes, TURN BACK-


Penny: yey you're in your normal body.

Pen: So, what do you mean by finding new heroes?

Tree: Idk Four tell me to do it.

Tree: Well, I guess you two will fit this team.

Penny: Really?

Tree: No, I didn't even find who you really actually are.

Penny: So why do you need us?

Tree: I'll explain it later.

Tree got up and leave them there. Pen and Penny are so confused what did Tree just say.

School is over and they go home. During walk, Penny heard something weird.

Penny: Hey Pen, do you heard anything?

Pen: No, what are you talking about?

Penny: I just heard something behind the building over there. They are talking about something weird like "look at these two they're so cute and we can eat them up" and why are they gonna eat us?

Pen: I guess they really want to eat us.

Penny: Why do you said that?

Pen: The two "looking scary monster" is already in front of us. RUN!

They run as fast as they could and the two "looking scary monster" chase them. Pen notice something on them. There's a weird blue "syringe".

Pen: How did they find us?

Penny: IDK they are so weird! Why would they eat us? We are not a food but their food! *pant* *pant* I don't want to run anymore!

Pen: Yeah, but just keep run until they tired.

Penny: I want to go home!

Pen: ... I'm tired right now

Penny: Look over there!

Tree's coming to save them with the name "Nature Soulstone". Tree's trying to defend them and pull the weird blue "syringe". And it work!

Tree: Are you two ok?

Penny: Yeah, we're fine.

Pen: Thanks for saving us.

Penny: How do you know that we were in danger?

Tree: Follow me.

And they followed Tree to the headquarters. The headquarters is so mysterious and no one knows about it and the lore except Four.

Penny: Is this a headquarters?

Tree: Yep! And here's where I found Four before they died.

Penny: What is this?

Tree: This is a soulstone. The soulstone are so many by the way. And the chosen one will get the soulstone based on how their personalities is. You two will be the chosen one if you pass this challenge.

Penny: Wow, they're so hard.

Tree: Don't worry, you can give up if you want.

Penny: I don't want to give up.

Pen: Yeah, we want to pass this challenge.

Tree: Alright, good luck you two. I'll wait in the room of the chosen people.

4 Squad Heroes [BFB AU]Where stories live. Discover now