A Villain in Plain Sight

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Cassandra's POV

Today was the day that the villain kids would be arriving. I quickly threw on a simple white dress for the day, searching for my heels as a knock was heard from my bedroom door. "Come in." I said as I finally found them, turning my head to see Prudence.

"Where were you last night?" Prudence sternly questioned. I knew she would ask about my absences from home yesterday. "Your mother was worried. Had all of us here looking for you." she said, placing the tray of food down on the bed.

"I was just out." I said, carrying my heels in one hand and grabbing my bag in the other. Prudence crossed her arms as she stood in the room.

"If this is about what I think this is about, then you better tell your mother." Prudence suggested as she avoided saying the exact words of my actions. I let out a sigh, knowing that she was right. Sooner or later, I would have to tell my mother.

"I will, just not right now cause I am running late." I said, making my way out of the room. Walking down the long hallway, I scanned the hanging portraits of everyone who had lived here. I stopped at my mother's picture, noticing how happy she was the day she married my dad. My thoughts were brought back to reality when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"You know I'll always remember that day." My mother spoke as she stood next to me. "It was the best day of my life." she said, letting out a small chuckle.

"I know. You always told me the story." I said, turning around to face my mom. She gave me a smile before crossing her arms at me. I knew at that moment her mood had changed for the worst.

"Now, where were you last night?" my mother questioned. I nervously gave her a smile in return, causing her to raise her eyebrow at me.

"I was looking for a way to get that wand." I said, watching my mother's face for a reaction. Instead, she kept that stern look as if she was questioning the truth of my statement.

"You better be going then." was all my mother said as I nodded my head. I walked out the front door and straight to the school. My mind was racing as I walked to school; great more things to worry about. As soon as I got to the front of the school, I noticed I was the only one from the "welcome committee" there. I rolled my eyes, taking a seat on the front steps, waiting for the others to show up.

"Oh! Cassandra dear, why are you out here?" Fairy Godmother said, sounding a bit shocked by my presence.

"Ben asked me if I could help him with the V.Ks' arrival today." I stated as I got up from the step. Fairy Godmother sent me a smile in return as many other students started to make their way to catch a glimpse of the new kids. The sound of heels soon filled my ears, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Hello Fairy Godmother....and Cassandra." Audrey said as she noticed me, soon losing the fake excitement in her voice. I sent the girl a smile as she rolled her eyes at me in return. The three of us stood in silence for a while. Fairy Godmother continued to tap her foot, a sign that she was nervous.

"Audrey, have you seen Ben?" Fairy Godmother questioned the girl. Audrey was going to speak, but I took the chance to interrupt.

"Actually, Fairy Godmother, Ben will be arriving in a few minutes. He needs to ask the marching band a favor." I said. I ignored the look Audrey sent my way as I lay a hand upon Fairy Godmother's shoulder as she smiled at me. A few minutes went by, and Ben showed up with the marching band behind him. I waved to the both of them as they looked my way.

"Sorry, Fairy Godmother, for being late. I decided it might be best for Doug and the band to play upon the Isle kids' arrival." Ben said in a rush as he took his place next to the headmistress. Audrey quickly wrapped her arm around his as she stood next to him. I, on the other hand, kept my distance from the three as I noticed the limo driving up the pathway. As soon as it stopped in front of us, the door swung open as two boys landed on the ground fighting over something. Behind them, two girls, one carrying an excited look and the other cautiously examined their surroundings. Doug and the band stopped playing as we watched the scene unfold in front of us.

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