Chapter One

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I pull weeds from the forest floor surround my house, they never stop popping up no matter how much weed repellant I placed. Having moved out in the wilderness sucked bigtime, but it is better than living in the more populated areas. Apparently the cities had been over run by the supernatural, and the human people live in fear. Now that I think about it I haven't been out of the forest at all the past couple of years. When supernatules uncovered themselves I was just a mere baby. My parents fearing the "creatures" ran to live a sacculated life away from every thing, according to them. They had died shortly after my 15 birthday defending me form the "creatures" their last words had always irked me.

"MOM! DAD! NO!" I had sobbed "Please don't leave me!".

"shh you will be okay honey," Mom had whispered lovingly " everything will be alight!".


My Dad shakily breathed out. Then in unison they both said "YOU ARE THEIR KEY. NEVER GO NEAR THEM. STAY HIDDEN".

Then silence all I could feel was pain. The pain of losing my parents and the pain for the supernatural. I had cried while digging their graves, it took me late into the night to finish digging. I still remember the fridge biting cold and the smell of the dirt. All I felt were my numb blistering hands and the hollowness in my chest. First I dumped the "creatures" into their hole, then I walked over to my parents. All I did was stare down for a moment looking at them pale and lifeless, after a while I bent down and plucked of both of their wedding rings. Looking around I noticed the sun starting to peek over the horizon. The sun had know idea what had just happened I wished in that moment I was just as ignorant as the sun, but no life just had to be a thorn in my side.

When I look back on that day I realized I had been utterly selfish. They were dying and all I could think about is what was going to happen to me. Later I had found out they were vampires, in all honesty I

had thought they were beautiful. Their pale skin contrasted their bright red eyes with perfect features. They were strong and fast as well as super intelligent. It pained me both when my parents

had killed them and when they died themselves. That had always confused me, when ever I saw a "creature" parish sent a stab of pain through me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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