'What a nice boy,' Orihime thought.


"Miss Rukia—"

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"Miss Rukia—"

"Please, just Rukia," said Rukia with a smile. "You've put up with me for a whole week, you don't need to keep calling me miss."

Orihime smiled. "Thank you. Rukia, are you feeling okay? You seem pale."

Rukia grimaced. "Ah. I appreciate your concern, but I'm fine. Just a little tired."

"Tired... mmm... Then I'll make something with a lot of energy for dinner!" decided Orihime.

"Haha, thank you." Rukia reached forward and patted Orihime's head.

"Ah." Orihime blinked in surprise.

Rukia blushed and pulled her hand back. "Sorry! That's something my captain would do a lot to me so I... just picked up on it, I guess."

Orihime giggled. "It's something my mother does a lot, too."

Rukia grinned. "Your mother must be a kind lady."

"I certainly think so. I admire her a lot." Orihime pulled her hair into a bun. "And your captain? What is she like?"

"Wonderful," said Rukia. "She's the reason—well, she's the biggest reason I am who I am today. She arranged for a nice family to take me in, and once I graduated the academy she took me under her wing. I've been with her for almost a century and I couldn't be happier." Rukia smiled faintly. "She can be a bit... eccentric sometimes, but she's got a good heart."

"Eccentric, huh?" Orihime mused. "I've heard some people call my mother that. I don't see why." Orihime put on her apron. "I'll get started on dinner. Would you mind letting Gremmy know?"


"Thank you, Rukia."


Things continued on a pleasant routine. Having an extra person in the house was a wonderful experience, Orihime found. She did so love talking to people. She was often called a social butterfly and craved human interaction. While did so adore her little brother, he was an introvert through and through and would rather be holed up gaming than chatting with her.

Rukia and Ichigo were busy most days, but in between that they always made it a point to talk to Orihime. Rukia was especially thoughtful and would keep Orihime company while she made dinner or did dishes.

One morning, Orihime was surprised to find Gremmy up before his alarm. He was already dressed, too. As Orihime poured her to-go breakfast tea in the kitchen, Gremmy stepped into the air to give her a chaste kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, Sis, I'm going over to Uncle Kisuke's today," Gremmy said. "Don't make dinner for me."

"Oh? Okay. Don't stay out too late."

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