Greenroom XVI

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The Shinigami that Sōsuke had turned into half-hollows were still adjusting to their new lives. None were particularly happy to see me when I visited—they associated me with Sōsuke—but at least they weren't openly hostile.

They struggled with dealing with their new abilities. Most of all, they struggled with having lost their home.

I could... sympathize. Kind of. I was capable of it, yet I didn't really try to.

Empathy and sympathy were a lot easier with a human body rather than a soul who existed through sheer willpower. In my current form, it was hard to not dissociate or detach myself.

Everyone was fodder unless I designated otherwise.

Kisuke, Yoruichi, and Tessai had a much better time in their new life. Yoruichi wanted to see the whole world, so she took a chunk of the money and set off sight-seeing. I wished her nothing but the best. Kisuke set up a candy shop that he operated with Tessai. If the duo weren't making confections, they were helping the pitiful victims of Sōsuke's plan.

Starrk and Lilynette were most helpful for them. Thankfully, none of the Shinigamis were rude to my Hollow buddies. In fact, Starrk and Kisuke seemed to get along pretty well.

 In fact, Starrk and Kisuke seemed to get along pretty well

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"What's that?" Kisuke asked.

"A giant cake," I said, not pausing in my piping.

"I understand that," he said. "Why are you making a giant cake here?"

"Because I needed to make a giant cake, and I missed you. Two birds in one stone."

Kisuke looked around his kitchen. "You're going to clean this up when you're done, right?"


Kisuke picked up a piping bag. "So... want help finishing?"

I smiled. "Would love it. I made some cupcakes for you."

Kisuke let out a soft chuckle. "Too kind."

"So how's life as a fugitive?"

Kisuke shrugged. "Different. Yoruichi loves it."

"I bet." I sighed longingly. "Oh my darling daiquiris"

"Starrk and Lilynette are interesting," Kisuke commented. "They've been very helpful."

"I'm glad. They're good friends."

Kisuke grinned. "I can see why. Play a mean game of Monopoly."

"Wanna join us on our new DnD campaign?"

"Ehh... sure?"

"Excellent," I said. "Fresh meat."

"Am I going to regret accepting this?"

"About as much as a hungover person regrets binge drinking the night before."

He laughed.


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