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Mei's POV

I knocked on Miriam's door, she opened it fairly fast and greeted us with a grin.
"We all set?"
She was practically glowing as she slammed her skateboard onto the sidewalk and waited for us to follow her.
"What if I just stole your skateboard? Made you walk." I joked, smirking at her and kicking her board from under her right foot.
"Do it." She smiled, stepping off the board and presenting it to me.
"Wha- I don't know how to ride that-"
I explained at shook my hands in protest.
She didn't say anything, just smiled and stepped on her board.
"Here." She offered the spot next to her.
I sheepishly stood onto the board, my body pressed against hers. I was gonna fall. Before I fell too out of balance, Miriam put her left hand to my stomach and right hand on my shoulder.
My mind and heart were POUNDING!!!
"See? You're a natural!" Miriam held me there for a second long as Priya and Abby laughed at how hard I was struggling to stay up.
"I'm gonna push now, ok?" She warned me and let go of my stomach and took my hands instead, extending them out to keep us balanced.
"Oh my god Mir don't let me fall-"
I said, my voice shaking as she pushed the pavement with her foot and we began moving.
We were going fairly slow but if I fell I'm pretty sure I'd pass away on the spot.
"Relax, I'll let you off on the corner." I can tell she's smiling. I can also tell that I won't fall because she's holding me very tight.
Her left hand let go of mine, her hand moving to my waist, she adjusted herself closer to me as we approached the big red stop sign.
I step off with deep relief that the fear was gone, but with disappointment because I liked the way her heart beat felt against my back...
Her hands were nice and reassuring, I felt safe regardless of the thought in the back of my head screaming, "You're gonna fall!".
We stopped at the corner and waited for Abby and Priya to catch up, which didn't take long as we didn't go very fast.
"Okay Rose and Jack Dawson this isn't the Titanic, we've got places to be" Abby joked and punched Myself and Miriam in the arm.
"Titanic is iconic and you know it!" Miriam said with deep offence was walked after Abby to have her cinematic rant. (Miriam loves movies).

We arrived to the Bowling Alley, Parker's Lanes read on the large sign outside of this brick building. The outside looked like it was built in 1950 but the inside was all nice and done up.
It was a glow in the dark alley with black lights everywhere and trendy music playing over the speakers. As soon as we walked in, we began singing and dancing along to the lyrics we all knew so well. Priya being the only one with any sensibility, she checked us in and got us our bowling shoes.
"Lane 6 ladies."
Priya directed us to the darkest lane on the very far side of the alley. We were all secretly stoked about being decently far from the rest of those bowling since we were decently obnoxious and weren't going to tone it down regardless of people.
"Watch this ladies, how a pro does it best."
Miriam picked up a pinkish orange ball, looked at all us all and planted a sly and cocky expression on her face as she held the ball up and aimed at the pins.
Her ball slammed on the lane and rolled down towards the perfectly stacked pins. What looked like a perfect strike, moved to the side straight into the gutter, knocking down not a single pin.
"Woa-ho-ho! Consider me impressed!" I slow clapped and said in a fake posh voice.
"Oh okay Lee, why don't you step up?"
Miriam moved aside and crossed her arms. Priya and Abby went to the main counter to make song requests.
"Okay fine!"
I stepped up, picked a vibrant yellow ball and picked it up.
Jesus Christ these are heavy-
I took my aim, got low and shot the ball with great precision.
Not a complete strike but I only had like two pins standing so it's a win for me.
"Not fair! What the hell!?" Miriam gasped and flung her arms out in shock.
"Some girls do it better."
I winked and flipped my hair off my shoulder. Miriam narrowed her eyes at me and put her hand to her hip.
As Priya and Abby ran back to our lane, Nobody Like U started playing over the loud speakers. The chain reaction of shock and excitement filled our faces and we instantly started singing and dancing, practically forgetting about bowling.
"Never not on my mind, oh my, oh my!"
I sang along with the girls, we all twirled and danced together in our dark corner.
Someone took my hand and twirled me around, I couldn't see very well as the lights glaring on my glasses didn't do my vision too good but it was all fun none the less.
The song ended with us in our well rehearsed poses, we all started laughing together once the song ended and continued bowling, we even got pizza!
A couple of hours had passed, it was pretty dark now and we all knew we had to be getting home. We returned our shoes and left the bowling alley still laughing and joking around as it has been the most fun we had in a while.
The streets were quiet, (aside from us laughing and joking) but it was nice. Sky full of stars, the air was warm, everything was.. perfect.
"Alright, we'll this is where we part my loves-" Abby declared with her flare of drama as usual. We were at the corner where our two streets connected.
"See you guys at school tomorrow!"
Me and Miriam waved and began walking down our street.
"Gosh we have to do that more often-"
Miriam smiled to me, hopping off her skateboard and tucking it under her arm.
"Yeah, that was so much fun! I can't believe it's already 8.. my moms gonna kill me haha!"
I laughed nervously and tucked some hair behind my ear as we passed the dark and silent houses.
"It's whatever, you don't get experiences like these by following all the rules." Miriam said and looked over at me. Her smile said a lot.
"Yeah.. you're right."
I smiled. We didn't exchange many more words after that, just silence as we looked up and admired the cosmos.
I could feel our hands bushing against each other as we walked, I was tempted to just take her hand and see where that lead me, but I'm a serious chicken so not gonna happen.
"Oh, we're already here, Cya Mir, be careful!" I smiled and waved as I skipped into my driveway.
"Good night Mei!"
Miriam waved back and hopped on her board, the sound of her wheels scratching the pavement filling the night.
I opened the front door and tried to close it as silently as I could. I kicked off my shoes and placed them in the shoe rack, now attempting to silently make it to my room.

"You we're out late."
My moms voice echoed behind me, immediate chills ran down my back as if a ghost had walked through me.
"Hi mom, Uh sorry, we were having a lot of fun and-"

"I don't want to hear it."
My mom put her hand to my face and cut me off. My heart sank.
"You we're with that Miriam girl, again."
My mom squinted at me and folded her arms.
"We'll we were just-"
She put her hand to my mouth again, shutting me up real fast.
"She's a bad influence. I can tell. She's holding you back and I forbid you from hanging out with her from now on. I can't do much while your at school but I advise you to steer clear from that one. I mean it Mei, now go wash up, you have school tomorrow."
My mom kept a straight face and walked off to her room, flicking the kitchen light off, leaving me in the dark.
I walked to my room, tears filling my eyes as I closed my door and slowly collapsed to the floor, silently sobbing.


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