- e i g h t -

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Mei; with a heavy heart; opened her front door and did a pretty decent job at hiding her disappointment.
Mei heard her name called from the living room. Unexpectedly, her Dad was behind the wall, sitting on the couch in the dark living room, the television being the only the thing illuminating him.
"Oh! Hey dad!"
Mei greeted, putting her bag down and joining her dad on the couch.
"Sooo where's mom?"
Mei asked, crossing her legs and placing a pillow on her stomach.
"She's out for a bit, thought we could hangout a little."
He smiled at me and placed a bowl of popcorn between us, offering me some.
"Oh okay!"
I smiled and took a handful of popcorn.
"What's on your mind..?"
Jin asked, placing a supportive hand to Mei's knee.
"I Wha- no nothing!"
Mei waved her hand back and fourth, brushing off the question.
"Mei, your a terrible liar."
Jin smiled at his daughter and chuckled lightly.
"I don't know just... it's hard."
Mei nervously smiled and tucked her hair behind her ears.
"What's hard?"
Jin now leaned all of his attention to Mei, pausing the movie that was playing.
"I don't know... crushes?"
Mei said quickly but soon realized she was probably going to regret that.
"Ooooh so there's someone you like then?"
Mei blushed harshly and shook her head rapidly while shaking her hands.
"Never mind me dad I don't know what I'm saying!"
Mei laughed nervously and started to sweat.
"Besides, all the boys at school are knuckle heads anyways I couldn't possibly like any of them! And I'm too busy to focus on boys I mean-"

"Is it Miriam?"
Jin cut Mei off. His expression was calm and collected, as if he was confident and knew what he was saying.
Mei nervously began rocking and gripping her pants.
"I won't tell Ming, don't worry."
Jin put his hand to Mei's shoulder. He saw straight threw Mei's attempts to trick him.
Mei was speechless, she wasn't exactly sure what to do.
"Thanks... but I doubt anything will go anywhere with us.."
Mei admitted, her fake positive exterior falling apart as her expression filled with gloom.
"Why's that?"
Jin asked, taking a few pieces of popcorn into his mouth.
"...mom. School. Ya know us having feelings for each other isn't exactly... celebrated."
Mei whispered softly, just enough for her dad to hear.
"Your mother is... traditional. But she knows what it's like to feel restricted from the ones you really love."
The moment was tense, but a nice tense. A vulnerable kind of tense where it feels like Mei could just pour her heart and soul out.
"Her love wasn't a girl... mom thinks Mir is holding me back, she's always thought that! Plus I doubt she'd even let me date."
Mei explained, sparks of hope dying little by little knowing the way her mom was.
"You're 16 Mei, you've basically been an adult since you were 11. You're mature enough to be dating, at least in my opinion! You're smart and I know you won't be in any danger with Miriam, or any of the kids you hang around."
Jin smiled at his daughter and took her hands.
"I love you dad.. thank you."
Mei smiled, her eyes glossing with tears as she pulled him in for a hug.
They separated and Mei let out a big yawn. Jin unpaused the movie and just as the moment had passed, Ming swung the door open, her arms filled with groceries.
"Mei Mei! Go fetch the rest please!"
Ming smiled as she let out a big breath and placed the bags on the counter.
After finishing what he mom asked her to do, and grabbing a quick shower, Mei returned back to her room, sitting on her bed in her freshly washed pyjamas.
She just sat there, thinking of what she should do next.
Miriam is amazing and I really really really like her! I'd love to be with her and be able to hug her... hold her hand or kiss her again...
Her face began burning red with the thought of what could be. She got so flustered she knew she had to snap out of it so she decided to do some homework.

She opened her school bag and placed her notebook on her bed and sharpened her pencil.
Jotting down equations, solving said equations; it was a quiet ritual that was strangely tranquil and calming.
Tick tick tick
Meis head whipped up, removing one side of her headphones, her eyes darted around... nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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