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Miriam's POV

"Miriam! Come on you have 30 minutes to get ready, hop to it!"
I heard my dad scream from the kitchen as my eyes fluttered open and I took notice of my alarm clock. (It's in the shape of a banana). I still silently giggle to myself when I see it.
I hopped out of bed brushed my curly hair. I took two chunks of it and did my signature braids.
I got in my usual get up of cargo pants, a white t-shirt and my green flannel topped with my green beanie. I grabbed my skateboard from behind my door and sat on it. I lazily pushed myself out into the kitchen where my dad had a bowl of HoneyCombs waiting for me at the table. I stood up and took my seat. His attention remained on the morning paper.
"You we're out late.."
He said, not looking up from his paper and shovelling a bite of Cheerios into his mouth.
"Mei and I lost track of time haha, I rushed home as soon as I realized so don't worry." I reassured him and a began chowing down on my breakfast.
"Okay, just try not to do that again, I was a little worried." He smiled, looking up at me and taking a sip from his steaming coffee.
"Sorry, won't do it again."
I smiled and continued eating.

"Shit! Okay I should be heading to Priya's now, cya dad!" I jumped up and grabbed my skateboard.
"Language!" My dad yelled to me, I keep forgetting to watch my swearing around him..
I jumped out the front door and down the few front steps we had and lunged straight for the sidewalk. Priya was only about 15 minutes away from me so I'm usually the first one there. Well aside from Abby, who literally lives next door from her.
I plugged my headphones into my MP3 player as 4-towns newest album played. I passed the Daisy Mart, some old woman walking her cat, for what ever reason? And a lady holding her crying baby who was in a duck onesie. Interesting.
"Hey girlllsss!" I cheered as I rolled up to Priya's house where her and Abby were sat engaging in normal conversation. Not long after I showed up, came Mei, walking with her head high and her confidence peaking.
"Hey girlfriends! Ready for school?" Mei grinned and leaned on Priya's fence.
"I suppose." Priya sighed, standing up and brushing off her brown pants. We all began walking, (well I was skating but I was keep up to their speed so its basically the same).
Conversations on the way to school were pretty generic, as we only ever discussed recent gossip.
I noticed how different Mei looked. Her hair was parted the same but her outfit was different. Not gonna lie I loved her cutesy nerd aesthetic she usually has but she like took it up a notch.
The tights under her skirt we're gone and it was just a pink and light purple pleated skirt with a white tucked in t-shirt with a light brown cardigan over it. Seems like I'm not the only one who noticed either.
"Mei you look amazing. Did like a fairy godmother visit you last night or something?"
Priya smiled and raised her eyebrows gesturing to Meis whole get up.
"No haha I just figured I could start dressing a little more grown up!" Mei blushed and put her hands in her cardigan pockets.
"No seriously you look gorgeous! I'm living for the new look, people are gonna be all over you now." I winked at her as I skated beside her.
Her face turned bright red and her panda ears popped out of her hair.
"Gah! Sorry not used to all this attention haha..!"
Mei said with a panic tone in her voice as she nervously patted down her ears.
We all collectively started laughing as we all love the panda, but I think it's really cute- GAHH U-uh funny seeing her get embarrassed!

Nailed it!

We arrived at school and departed to our classes as regularly.
I had science with Priya first.
We walked off to the class room and took our seats next to one another. We just chatted as we waited for the *always late* teacher to show up.
"So Mei went through a total glow up over night."
Priya raised her eyebrows and nudged me with her elbow.
"Yeah! She looks really good!" I agreed with Priya and nudged her back.
"I noticed a couple of guys totally checking her out earlier. Maybe she'll be the first of us in the group to get a boyfriend." Priya suggested, which oddly enough made my stomach lurch.
"Heh.. yeah! I mean she looks good so of course some others are gonna notice!" I laughed nervously and reached into my bag for a notebook and pencil.
Priya said quietly, but just loud enough for me to hear her.
I questioned, placing my pink pineapple notebook on my desk and opening it to a blank page.
"Are you like...okay?"
Priya looked at me, raising an eyebrow and looking very concerned.
"Wha- yes??? Why!?"
I said almost allowing myself to just fully panic! Is Priya noticing something..?
"Well as soon as I suggested Mei might catch the eye of someone you instantly got all weird and got out your notebook?" Priya leaned closer to me, the look of speculation growing.
I exclaimed, supposedly seeming offended.
"You never get your books out? Which means your nervous about something- oh my god." She cute herself off and put her hand to her mouth, her eyes widening. She leaned back, her back thumping against the plastic orange chair.
I looked at her with extreme fear.
Oh god oh fuck oh god oh fuck
Priya leaned closer to me and looked around the class room, making sure no one was within earshot.
"Do you like Mei??"
Priya whispered to me. Her words were like a horrifying jumps scare. I jolted back and covered my mouth.
I do NOT like Mei!!!
... right??
"Wh-WHAT!? N-no!"
I did that weird whisper-yell thing and slammed my hand onto my desk. Priya leaned back and allowed her mouth to hang open.
"Oh my god you totally do.."
She smirked to herself, seeming very proud she figured me out.
I nervously looked around.
"Bup bup bup." She shushed me and placed her finger to my lips.
"You're too obvious and I'm kinda embarrassed I didn't see it earlier. Wow... it all makes total sense right now.."
She smirked again, folding her arms with pride.
"Okay listen, I think I like Mei BUT you can't say a thing to her! Or Abby! Or Tyler!!! Got that?" I pointed my finger in her face and gave her some kind of death glare. She nodded in agreement and remained smirking.

The teacher ended up arriving and I had literally no choice but to take notes as my notebook was already out.
Damn it :(
Lunch time came around and we all sat at the familiar round table we chose every day. Everyone sprawled out their lunches and began eating, dabbling in the occasional conversation.
I kept catching myself looking across the table at Mei. I was never staring exactly but every other look around, I'd look at her the longest.
I just really like her soft jawline, her really soft red hair, how her glasses make her eyes look really sparkly, the tiny moles decorating her skin... don't even get me started on her eyes. They used to be a darkish brown but now they're a fiery brown-red mix and it's absolutely gorgeous.
I realized I was staring and looked down at my bag of chips. I took a few out and plopped them into my mouth, trying to minimize how obvious I was being.
"You're awfully quiet braces?" Tyler mocked and chomped down on a cucumber slice.
"I dunno, just hungry I guess."
I never liked it when I'd get singled out like that. Tyler is such a little nuisance even tho we're like kinda sorta friends..
"What ever, Mir will have plenty of energy later when we all go bowling after school! It's gonna be so fun!"
Mei bounced in her seat and grinned as she plopped a dumpling into her mouth.
"I heard it takes music requests! We can totally jam out while we play!"
I added, getting the table all excited.
Good keep the attention off of you.

The school day soon ended, we all began walking home and stopped at the daisy mart to buy some slushies.
I got sour lime mixed with blue raspberry, Priya got mango, Abby got one of each flavour because apparently that tastes good to her, and Mei got strawberry mixed with a small amount of cream soda.
We all sat on the corner and drank our beverages. Each of us periodically sticking out our tongues to show the rapidly changing colors.

Her lips are so pink naturally but seeing them all red now from the slushie...
She's probably a good kisser.
You sicko.

"Uh, I have to be heading home now! Have some chores to do before bowling! Give me a call when you guys are ready!" I smiled and waved, hopping onto my skateboard. The girls all shot up thumbs up in response as they were all sipping on their drinks.

I zoomed off down the sidewalk, rapidly turning corners and avoiding others using the sidewalk. It didn't take long for me to get home. I picked up my board and carried it inside with me.

"Welcome home!"
My dad smiled from beside the kitchen table as he swept underneath the chairs.
"Hey Dad, I'm going bowling soon but I'm gonna go lay down for a bit."
I sighed and lazily dragged my board behind me to my room.
I slowly closed the door and discarded the board onto my floor. I put the slushie on my night stand and smashed my face into my pillow.

What in the fuck is happening to me!?
You do realize that Mei is your best friend, right?

I gripped my hair in frustration as I screamed into my pillow. As my mind started racing and my heart rate increased from screaming, I raised my head up and felt like I could fight god.

Have you ever had the feeling like your body was made purely made out of electricity? Yeah. That's exactly how I feel when ever Mei tucks her stupid hair behind her ears. OR when she gives me the stupid smiled that practically no one can say no to, OR EVEN WITH TODAY! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT NEW OUTFIT SHES SO FUCKING CUTE!? DOES SHE EVEN KNOW WHAT SHES DOING TO ME!?

I gripped a pillow to my stomach and just sat there for god knows how long.
My trance was broken by the vibration of my phone buzzing.
I flipped it open and answered the call.
I answered, my heart still thumping and my voice probably sounded lame.
"Mir! It's Mei, we're on our way to your house if you're done cleaning! Bowling starts in an hour and we wanna get a head start on getting there!"
Mei's sweet voice echoed through the phone.
"Yeah! I'll be out in a second!"
I said cheerfully and snapped the phone shut, ending the call.
I looked over at my large vanity mirror and silently yelled at myself to be chill.
Rapid knocking echoed from the front door. That's my calling..
I took a deep breath, popped a mint into my mouth and grabbing my skateboard, walking down the hall.
I opened the door and grinned at my friends, all standing there waiting for me.

Omg another chapter look at me gooooooo

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