first challenge

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Lara woke up early today, she had a nightmare, Lara has a routine that if she has a nightmare she needs to write it down. She started writing:

I woke up in my university, my phone rang, it was anonymous. He said he will kill me today, I saw anonymous he had black hair and black eyes just like Ali does!

Then Lara put down her pen, she was trying to remember her nightmare but her mind just blocked it from her memory, she has no idea why she saw Ali in her dream. It could be just a coincidence!
Lara didn't believe in supernatural in any way but nothing could explain why Ali would want to kill her. Anyway Lara went to her bathroom, she splashed some cold water on her face just to refresh herself. Then Lara put on some shorts and a tank top , she braided her hair and put on some flip flops, by that time she forgot that she even had a nightmare she was happy and excited about Xfactor.

Lara went down to the pool where Greg Simons and all of the contestants where waiting.
Today the challenge will be...
Greg Simons said.
You will be put in a tank, there will be water above your head you will have 10seconds to open the first lock, after the ten seconds water will be filling the tank, while the water is filling the tank you will have to open all the locks, there are 4 of them, oh right! If you are scared or not ready for this challenge you can surrender!
Lili and Nash surrendered, they said they have fear of water.

I was the first one to go,
I put on my swimsuit and got into a plastic transparent box, it was under water ( in a swimming pool). Above me was a huge water tank that will collapse on me in about 15 seconds.
The countdown began, I could see the key that I'll be using to unlock the first lock. 4-3-2-1!! You have 10 seconds to unlock the first one!
I grabbed the key and dropped to the ground to get the first lock, I got nervous so I could get the key into the lock and then it snapped I opened the first lock, then I heard the water splashing over my head and filling that tank. All my hair was wet and my hands became slippery so it was harder to unlock all of them.
My hand slipped and I couldn't put the key in the lock but when I tried again I opened the second one. The water was already higher than my waist, now I had to dive to reach the lock, I opened the last two when the water was already hitting my nose, I pushed the floor of the tank and the plastic door flew open I took one last breath and dived underwater I swam out of the tank and got out by the side of the pool.

"1minute 42 seconds"
Everyone cheered.

Next one to go is Marc,
Marc entered the tank, his feet were shaking and we could see his sweat dripping down his spine.
He slipped and fell on the floor, the water dropped over his head as he unlocked it.

"1minute 45 seconds!"

Next one is Amber.

"2minutes 48 seconds"

Next is Christine!

"1minute 41 seconds!!"

Christine is the winner! And I'm sorry Amber you will have to go...
This night Lara slept tight, even though she wasn't the winner all she thought about was Max, Max had trouble with someone and Lara was the only one who helped her out.

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