38: Resolute Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

But they were kids, so of course they cheated and tagged each other while on the way to the circle, before they even got in there.

So that's where Sanyu's strategy came in.

"No!!" A little boy shouted out as he was tagged. But he soon started laughing as he stared up at Sanyu's blank expression. The teenager simply bent down a bit and picked the kid up, throwing him over his shoulder. There was already another kid on his other shoulder and soon they were both giggling their heads off.

The sound rang between his ears in a somewhat happy way. He couldn't say he was entirely comfortable around them yet, he didn't want to hurt or accidentally traumatize someone (although he still hadn't figured out how he would do that yet). But he was getting better.

The parents were laughing on the sidelines or helping their kids hide by running around with them. Sanyu deposited the kids inside the circle and went looking for any left. He was pretty consistently winning, although he was pretty sure he was supposed to be letting them win. But the kids seemed to like being carried more than they liked winning at tag.

Sanyu found that the kids in wheelchairs were especially excited when he picked the whole chair up instead of taking them out of it. He supposed it was too heavy to be lifted by most people.

"Should we take a break?" Ectoplasm called out, "It's basically snack time already.". The kids seemed excited by that.

Sanyu followed some of the parents into the adjacent room to help whoever had brought snacks this time hand them out.

The kids got some colouring sheets out and made sure Sanyu had one. He started filling in the parrot he had been given with several shades of bright and dark blues.

"Its pretty." A little girl, who couldn't be over 8, commented.

"Thank you." He said simply. When she kept looking at it, he decided to speak again. "Its called a Blue Macaw or Hyacinth Macaw. The live in South America and they're the largest parrots that can fly.". Bird facts. Kids liked bird facts, didn't they?

"Have you ever seen one?" The girl asked. Sanyu shook his head.

"There are only-" He pulled out his phone to google it quickly but the result didn't make sense. They were declared extinct in the wild in his world, how were they not even endangered in this one? "There's um...lots of them apparently. But I've never seen one.".

Why was everything about this world nicer?

Also, he had to add that to the list of things he wanted to see in this world.

"Flying must be super fun!" The girl said, "I wish I had a flying quirk! My quirk's called leafy. I grow leaves.". She demonstrated it by popping a tiny green leaf out of the tip of her finger.

"I think that's a really cool power.". Definitely nothing like the powers from his world. It was harmless, adorable. Although it raised the potential for this kid to become a mini Poison Ivy in the future.

Then he noticed a bandage on her knee and got a weird feeling. Like being overtaken by static. Bunny noticed right away, because she shifted from having her head on the floor next to Sanyu's drawing to having her head in his lap. He pet her silently as thanks.

It just reminded him of Eri. A kid who should be somewhere like here, playing around and having fun. Instead she had been abandoned to the mercy of her abusers. She had held him so tightly, like she never wanted to let go. And she had done the same to Midoriya.

He could still feel her tears soaking into the stiff material of his suit. It was such a vivid nightmare that it happened during the day and it had barely been two days.

He quickly snapped back into it when Ectoplasm said they would be asking him questions about being a hero student. Happy to oblige, Sanyu prepared to answer everything honestly (maybe getting the people who were supposed to be supervising him fired in the process).

------- --------- ----------- --------- ---------- ---------- -----------

When Sanyu got home he was exhausted. All he did was shower and curl up with Bunny and Captain on the couch watching one of the movies he had gotten from his bag. Thor Ragnarok, to be specific.

Keigo approached the couch slowly, holding a mug of tea for himself and one for Sanyu. He handed the kid the drink and sat down.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, looking between Sanyu and the screen.

Sanyu cuddled closer to Captain.

"48 hours." He mumbled into the rabbit's fur. The wait for Eri's rescue was going to end the same way it started.

"What does that mean in this context?" The pro hero asked, tilting his head to the side a little.

"They have 48 hours from this moment onwards." He said, his tone vaguely threatening. "If the 'best in Japan' can't find her by then, I'll find her myself. She deserves what those kids have. Loving families and good friends.".

"Count me in on that!" Tao said, sitting down next to Keigo with his own mug of tea.


Sanyu: What do I do with kids? 

Sanyu's brain: Remember that one time we hauled bags of flour? 

Seriously tho I thought about how Sanyu would interact with kids and I realized they'd love him and think he was awesome and he'd have no idea what he was doing 😂

I've looked at the responses to my ship question, so I've come up with some more narrowed down options! 

The most popular appeared to be these four, so I devised some idea of what the ship dynamics would be so you can comment and idk...form opinions based on this? This is more for myself to think through the concepts tbh but I want to hear what you guys have to say too! 

a) Mirio

-would probably be embarrassed about having a crush on someone younger than him at first 

-just wants to see him happy and healthy 

-Sanyu: could destroy the city in minutes

Mirio: Honey, baby, sweetheart, sunshine, darling, light of my life, angel (he continues for several minutes)

-I specifically think calling Sanyu starlight or sunshine would be the most adorable thing on earth

-EXACTLY Sanyu's type (you know who I'm talking about) 

b) Todoroki 

-exceeds the emotional baggage weight limit if I'm being honest.

-burn scar bros 

-so much hand holding and god do they both need affection

-the sense of humor is ✨immaculate✨

c) Bakugou 

- 'I'm sorry for yelling at you and shit' 'I'm not sorry for punching you in the face' 

-would shout at Sanyu's nightmares (it wouldn't make them leave or anything but its the only strategy Bakugou has) 

-soft for him and only him and if anyone ever found out he'd probably kill them 

-ties Sanyu's hair back in pony tails and braids if it gets long enough 

d) Kirishima 

-thinks Sanyu is peak manliness in the best way 

-the height difference 😫 (how did I not know Kirishima was only 5'7?) low key love Sanyu being taller than him. Its adorable. 

-would paint Sanyu's nails 

-just wants to impress him like any good shark boyfriend 

(There were a few more suggestions that are still in the running in my head tho, like Shinso or Ojiro.) 

Stay tuned for the next chapter and some good old ass kicking! 

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