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Word Count: 2515


Were Kastriv an ordinary man, he would be dead.

I look toward my husband, so shocked I'm lost for words. He seems to be struggling to form a response too, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

"You...You what?"

Kastriv examines my husband with an unforgiving, ice cold gaze. "I want to fuck your wife. And you're going to let me."

I could throw up. Not because the notion disgusts me, although it does terrify me, I'm just so afraid he's serious, motivated by...I have no idea.

This can't just be because of a general attraction to me. I mean, he may be a Noble, but no one in their right mind would attempt to barter the use of someone's wife for their own pleasure. At least I never thought someone could be so unhinged.

Oliver looks at me with frightfully wide eyes. "You mean Aspen? Really?"

Kastriv dips his head. "Yes."

"Can I ask why?"

"I want to know how badly you want these Demon's eradicated," he murmurs, not releasing Oliver from the intensity of his gaze.

So he is serious? It's hard to tell. There's the barest hint of an amused smile flirting with his lips, suggesting he's enjoying watching the both of squirm.

"A lot, of course. But I could find you any other woman..." Oliver barters.

Oliver couldn't care less about me. If he offers me up to Kastriv, though, then he loses, and the Noble gets what he wants. Maintaining the ruse that he's a loving husband is imperative, even if he silently wishes he could just hand me off for the night.

Kastriv's attention shifts to me, dark gaze tracing down my face, over my lips. "I don't want another woman. I want Aspen."

I need to defend myself...I can't just let this happen.


Oliver holds his hand up, glowering at me. "Aspen, don't say anything."

My mouth closes. If I disobey Oliver now, he will either hand me off happily to Kastriv now as a form of punishment, or he will refuse, and punish me himself.

"Well, what will it be?" Kastriv pushes.

"I want the Demon's gone, badly, but this is my wife." Oliver reaches over to caress my arm, as if it proves his love for me, how desperate he is to keep me for himself. It takes all my self control not to rip my arm away in disgust.

Kastriv's eyes cool. "If you do not accept, I will ensure all other Noble's will not sponsor your endeavours."

Oliver goes silent for a moment, flicking through his options. "You would just sleep with her?"


"But you wouldn't get her pregnant, right?" Oliver looks over me, disgust lingering in his expression. A Noble's child would be an impossible inconvenience for him. He couldn't care less about the implications on me.

Kastriv leans back in his chair, staring off into the distance, which I'm currently wishing I could flee toward. "Personally, I am opposed to her having to take a tonic, as the side effects are undesirable."

Oliver tenses. "But you would wear-"

"I don't like anything between myself and my lover. Does this change your answer?" The Noble's tone is getting pushier, giving Oliver less of a chance to gather his thoughts.

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