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Word Count: 1734


Kastriv keeps his promise, and the next morning, we went to Territory Five.

It's a nice place, with mild temperatures and wide open spaces, which at this point, I really appreciate.

Kastriv has brought me to quaint home he claims no one will visit, especially no Noble's. It's pretty, and will do for the meantime while we figure out or next move, and hope Atari doesn't learn that we are still together.

A few days pass with no disruptions. In fact, it's quite eerie that nothing has happened.

This morning I've opted for sitting in the window nook, staring out across the far meadow and to a small woodland area. I'll explore soon enough, when Kastriv is certain we are safe.

The sound of his footsteps approaching from behind have me glancing over my shoulder.

"Come on," Kastriv prompts, shrugging a jacket over his broad shoulders.


"We are going out to a nearby village."

I sit up straighter. "Isn't that dangerous?"

All I've heard from him these past few days is that we should lie low. I've been enjoying his presence, although he's been distracted, and to be truthful, as have I.

I can't get Larsen's warning out of my head.

I have no reason to believe him. He probably gets some sick enjoyment out of corrupting my relationship with Kastriv, and yet every time I look at my mate, I think of the spirits who may be lingering nearby.

Does he have a sense closeness with them? I'm too embarrassed to ask, wondering if I'll sound insane.

"Maybe, but I don't think staying in here will do you any better," he tells me, smiling tightly.

He's felt my angst these past few days then...

"I was thinking I wanted to get some flowers to plant in the garden. I know we won't be staying here but..." I break off.

It would be nice, to do something simple, almost mind numbing. My brain needs a break from all the worrying it's been doing, and I would like some proper time with Kastriv.

He smiles warmly. "I like this idea."

"Let's go," I encourage.

The village nearby is small, unassuming. Exactly what we need.

"Have you been with anyone else previously?" I ask as we walk down the cobblestone street, looking into shop windows that boast all sorts of homemade goods.

Kastriv sighs, staring off into the distance. "I've had lovers in the past, but it never lasted."

As we walk, I watch the attention of those passing by shift to Kastriv, excited whispers mingling with wary muttering.

"You're very soft. Gentle. I'm waiting for a darker side of you to come out," I admit, glancing up at him.

A frown dips between his brows, creasing his perfect forehead. Maybe I am jaded, for believing there has to be more to him then his sweet, attentive man.

There has to be something dwelling deep, waiting to come out...

"There is no dark side of me," he assures me quietly, although his tone isn't convincing.

"Are you sure? You're connected to spirits...That can't be easy," I press, Larsen's doubts pushing me on.

He tilts his head back and forth, considering what I'm saying. "It's why staying myself is so important."

A Demon's Kiss ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz