Chapter 4

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Finral just arrived at the base, he saw Vanessa Gauche and Grey. "Hi there you guys are doing good" he said as he came out of the portal. "Finral what are you doing here? Aren't you meant to be in the Heart kingdom? Vanessa said walking towards Finral, "Thought I could drop by brought some fruits" Finral said as he gave Grey the baskets filled with fruits. "Tha-tha-nk yo-u stop looking at me it's embarrassing she said taking the fruits and running behind the couch, "Hey there Gauche" Finral said waving at Gauche, who was looking at a Marie's doll, "Don't bother me now I'm looking at Marie now" Gauche yelled not removing his eyes from the doll, "Sheesh nice to see you haven't changed" Finral said, "Where is Henry and Gordon?" He asked. "Well Henry is all tired from transporting the base here" Vanessa said, the base was relocated to the boundary between the Spade Kingdom and Clover Kingdom, to be prepared for the upcoming battle with Spade Kingdom. "He said something about trying to recover his mana, Charmy isn't here to give us the mana recovering food" she added. " Ok well Charmy is hooked up in the Heart Kingdom's delicacies" Finral said, "And Gordon?" Finral added "He went to master his Poison Magic with his family" Vanessa added, "Well after we heard what happened with Asta, we all decided to get stronger, we all felt broken" Vanessa said before she remembered Noelle, "Finral how is Noelle? I know the news might have hurt her more than it did to us" she asked with a worried tone. "She's getting better, but she still says he comes to her dream every now and then" Finral said in a low tone. "His death made Marie cry" Gauche said, "I hate to say this but I miss the shrimp" Gauche added, "Well I can't deny that I kind-" before Finral could finish the sentence, they all felt an evil presence when they looked out they saw that the black bulls base was floating in air, a man could be seen floating in mid air, with danger written all over his face. "Hmm so this is the dwelling place of Yami Sukehiro, not what i expected but we all have our tastes." the man said "It seems that he isn't home, now then I hope you lot will keep me entertained." The black bulls knew that the man wasn't a normal opponent so they calculated their moves, "Ev-er-y- one geeeee t down" Henry shouted as he used his recombination to form the raging bull formation and he tried to punch the man, but before he could reach the man snapped his finger and everything went down like they being pushed down by force. "Gravity magic: presence of the demon king, I really thought that you will keep me entertained while waiting for Yami Sukehiro's return but it seems I thought wrong" He said with a smirk on his face, he then noticed that their mana was still intact. "Interesting, it seems that there was another arcane stage here" he said before kicking open the wall that was shielding the black bulls, there he saw Vanessa, Grey and Gauche, Finral had used spatial magic to escape trying to find Yami. The reason the Black Bulls weren't dead was due to rogue who was standing on Vanessa's shoulder. "Hmm my my not only can you manipulate fate, you are outstandingly beautiful, be my woman" the man said, this shocked the black bulls. "What the fuck did you say creep" Gauche yelled, "You all heard me, you are the type of woman that suits me, I Dante of the Dark Triad" Dante said introducing himself, "She is not going ANYWHERE!!! Mirror Magic: reflecto refrain" Gauche yelled, the spell he used made Dante fall back cackling, Gauche rushed to the roof he caught sight of Dante "If i end you here it will mean that Asta's death will not be in vain and our troubles will be over, Mirror Magic: Large Reflecto Refrain" Gauche yelled using his spell he managed to land a hit on Dante. This enraged the devil host, he saw blood drip from his cheek. "How dare you! How dare you do this to ME!!" Dante yelled, he waved his hand making the black bulls float, "Now then I make sure you don't do that again" he said using his magic, he lifted a boulder, turned it into a sword and stabbed Gauche, Before he could attack Grey, a dark slash came from above separating him from them. "Oi, what the fuck do you think you're doing to my squad"  a voice from above asked, it was Yami, Finral had found and they came back to see Gauche floating with a big sword sticking out his chest, this enraged Yami who then let a glare that was strong enough to intimidate anyone. "Ah splendid, Yami Sukehiro you are here" Dante said with a smirk on his face "Now we really should get going it's getting late" he said. Yami was confused " What are you? No who are you? Go Where? The only place you are going is hell, Dark magic: dimension slash. Yami said sending his slash towards Dante, who seemed unfazed and responded by warping the space around the slash making it ineffective. "Guess A little entertainment won't hurt anyone now  Yami Sukehiro entertain me" Dante said laughing.

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