After Lunch

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"Camilo, por favor, we need to stick together. The village helped us this time, but their patience is wearing thin. Your gift wasn't exactly the most useful, to begin with, I could barely help you be able to deal with the village-"

"You didn't help Mirabel. And she didn't have a gift. That was all you were about, but you were supposed to change! things were getting better, don't ruin it now."


"No. Abuela, I'm done trying for them. And yeah, I get it, no one asked, but it was quite implied"

"Camilo, please. For la Familia"

"Abuela, I don't think you understand me right now. I am 'la Familia'. This isn't something new. I've been covering for people ever since I realized I could. And you know why? Because they needed it. And this family? Whether or not you know it, they have a high tolerance for people's crap. The fact that they needed a break from you? You need to fix things, Abuela."

"how? you all offer this as if it'll tell me how to change things. I fix the past. I can't change anything that has already happened"

Everyone seemed to pause. What did they expect?

Camilo knew. He knew what he wanted her to do, but it seemed downright rude to say so. 

Obviously, his uncle, having been stuck in the fricking walls for 10 years, had no such social constraints. Or maybe Bruno was just unnaturally brave today. Camilo couldn't tell.

"Step down. Give Julieta the candle, until Mirabel's ready"

"ME?!" Mirabel yelped

"Was it not obvious? I knew that if my vision went right, you'd become the next candleholder. Not only are you the only person without a gift, but You're also literally front and center on the front door"

Casita rattled a few tiles in agreement.

And Mirabel passed out cold

Both Camilo and Bruno said a nonchalant "Mood" Before rushing to Mirabel to help her out.

Change- Camilo Madrigal {angst}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora