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Bruh, I don't know what it is about 'Dandelions' that somehow motivated me to write more chapters today but whatever

After apologizing to Abuela, he realized something.

The simplest way to apologize to them all was over lunch. Walking downstairs, he started helping Julieta. She, surprisingly, didn't ask questions.

Well, so far anyway.

"None of us are actually mad at you," Julieta said so casually it took Camilo a second to register what she'd said.

"I know, but I still have to apologize,"

Julieta laughed

"When did you grow up so much? I swear it couldn've been a month ago when you solo un niño"(Translations in the comments)

Camilo laughed

"I know, tia"

"For real! You're 15 now! 15!"

Camilo grabbed the cucumber from next to her, still laughing.

"Alright, alright!" he replied "I get it!"

"Te juro que los niños crecen demasiado rápido para mí también sigan" She mumbled, causing another laughing fit from the boy next to her.

I used google translate, so don't blame me if everything is terribly off XD

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