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Camilo was silently freaking out after everyone had sat down when Dolores blurted out the one thing he was dreading talking about.

"What in the Encanto were you thinking?"

It gave him a jump, to be honest. 

Quite literally. He jumped so hard he hit his knee on the table, shapeshifting into the whole town within seconds.

Antonio laughed, but once he quieted, the awkward silence blanketed them.

Something about the silence made Camilo's skin itch. 

Then, a tiny miracle occurred.

A burst of confidence surged through him. He knew the moment he stood up it would leave, as it normally does, but he was trying to hold on to one feeling for long enough to act on it, something he had always struggled with (weird way to spell plot convenience, but okay)

And so he stood up and announced the first apology he could think of.

"I screwed up, big time"

Apparently, that was all it took for the rest of the hidden feelings he'd had to come tumbling out. For a moment, it was deathly quiet, and Camilo was convinced no one actually cared.

And he was right, because the only people who even gave him a reaction were the ones who he had already talked to.

The rest of his family?

With their reactions, he could have sworn he was a ghost

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