19 • Our Little Secret

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I wanna begin by saying I know I haven't posted in awhile but I'm trying to get back on track, I guess you could say I'm having writers block but I shouldn't have it for that long. Anyway, I understand the logic in this one may not be the best but you know, this is all fictional. Also, I know it's sappy! If there are any hate comments to me or anybody including Camilo or other users they will be deleted.

Your Pov
"Goodness, all this hitting to her head may have caused some trauma." I hear someone say a little muffled.

My eyes open slowly and my vision is blurred. I sit up, putting my hand on my head. "What happened?"

I ask, my eyesight reverting back to normal as I see Tia Julieta and Dolores. "You hit your head.. again. Are you alright?"

Dolores helps me stand up straight and I notice we're in the courtyard. It's dark and everything is eerily silent. I remove my hand and nod.

"I'm sorry it didn't work. There's got to be something we haven't tried yet." She looks at Tia and I tilt my head.

"What do you mean? Did the fall badly affect me?" She furrows her brows. "What..?" Julieta whispers under her breath.

"What are you talking about?" I brush myself off and fix up my hair. "When I fell from the roof, are my injuries bad?"

Their faces make a smile and they come up and hug me. "You remember!" They lightly shout. "But how?"

Julieta questions, turning to Dolores, her expression changing with sudden realization.

"La Telenovela! When we were watching, Cassandra got hit on the head with a fruit and didn't know anything. But when she got hit again, her memory came back!" Dolores says excitedly with a little jump.

"Wait, I lost my memory? And then got it back by hitting my head again?" They both nod as I begin to understand.

"But, why didn't you just make something? Couldn't that have helped?" I ask. Julieta's face turns to worry.

"I did, I don't understand why it didn't work. I hope the magic's alright." She looks up to the candle and folds her hands.

"I think we should keep this on the down low. Camilo might worry if he knew you lost your memory. And I know Abuela will freak out if she knows there was a glitch. Let's not tell anyone unless it happens again." Dolores suggests.

We agree and head back up to our rooms. I close the door as lightly as I can. Crawling into bed, I wrap Camilo's arms around me and fall sound asleep.

Camilo's Pov
As my eyes flutter open, I see (Y/n) resting, and somewhat snoring. How I love her. "Mi vida?" I whisper, trying to wake her up.

"Mi amor, it's time to wake up." She groans and turns around, facing me. Her eyes open softly. "Why? Can't we stay in bed? Please?"

My arms around her tighten and I pull her in more. "Because, it's morning. Now..." I kiss her on her forehead.

"How do you feel? You took a hard fall." A smile creeps on her face. "I'm doing fine. I can't remember much after lifting Mirabel up. Is she ok?"

"Yea, she landed safely. I'm sorry she hurt you. I won't let it happen again." She pushes off my chest a little and looks me in the eyes.

"You're not mad at her, are you?" My hesitation gives her my answer. "Camilo, it's not her fault. I decided to help. Please don't be mad at her."

I lay next to her, uncertain of how to tell her how I reacted. "Well, um, I kind of already yelled at her a little." I confess, hoping she doesn't get mad.

She let's out a long sigh. "Camilo. Come on." She gets off the bed and pulls me with her. "Where are we going mi hermosa? At least let me change first!"

I say as she tugs on my arm. "You're going to apologize." She stops and knocks on Mirabel's door.

"Oh, (Y/n). I'm glad to see you're ok. Camilo." She looks away while saying my name. (Y/n) glares at me and I step into the room.

"Look, Mirabel, I'm sorry for how I reacted. I was worried. I blamed you for something you would never do on purpose. Is there anything I can do for you to forgive me?"

(Y/n)'s glare is replaced with a smile and Mirabel's begins to creep on her face.

"Thank you for apologizing. I understand I could've been more cautious and considerate. I'm sorry too (Y/n)."

She waves her hand in the air and shrugs. "Don't worry about it. Everything turned out fine anyway."

They give eachother a quick hug and (Y/n) walks over to me, wrapping an arm around me. "Gracias Mirabel, for all that you've done."

She says as we walk out the door. "And thank you mi milo, for apologizing." She adds on as the door closes behind us.

"Does that mean I get some kind of reward?" I raise my brow and look down to her. "Wow you really need a reward to feel good about apologizing? How sad is that."

She looks up. "No no no. I was just hoping that maybe I could get a kiss." I peck her head. "Or two."

"Fine, get in here." She backs up against my door and turns the knob with her free hand. Pulling me in my room, she connects our lips. "Te amo mucho mi vida." I say as we disconnect. "I love you too mi milo."

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