6 • Ice Cream for Breakfast?

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Hi, sorry for the late posting and the short stories. But, I love writing in Camilo's Pov🥰Good morning/night/afternoon! If there are any hate comments to me or anybody including Camilo or other users they will be deleted. Hope you enjoy!

Camilo Pov
I wake up, feeling my head pounding. Maybe getting only 3 hours of sleep and partying all night could've been reconidered. I sit up on my bed and wipe my face, waking me up a little bit more. I change from my musty clothes from yesterday to fresh new ones with a quick swift turn. Perks of being a shapeshifter. I walk out my door and yawn. I need one of Tia Julieta's arepas to fix my head.

The bright sun isn't helping at all. I rest my head on my hand and close my eyes. I bump into someone and back up a little. I really need to start watching where I'm going. "Sorry mami." I say looking up at her. "My goodness mijo, are you alright?" She asks, setting down her plate and putting her hand on my head.

"Yeah, my head is just hurting right now. An arepa or two will make me feel better for sure." I answer, grabbing a plate from off the counter. "Now, can I ask, who were you with last night? She was cute." "Mami!" I nearly shout as I feel myself begin to blush. "I saw you dancing with her, do you like her?" She probes further, making my cheeks redder.

"Please mami, don't pry. But somewhat yeah. She's very beautiful." I give in, telling her only a little. "What happened to her last night? I would've loved to meet her!" I sigh as I grab a couple arepas and a slice of lulo. "I'm asking the same question. She kind of... Let's just say she had to leave suddenly." I bite into an arepa and my head immediately feels better.

"Well, the next time she comes over let me know. You seem to really like her." I smile a little, giving (Y/n) another thought. "Like who?! Our Camilo likes who?!" I shriek a little and turn around. "Papi!" I groan and roll my eyes. "Can we not discuss this anymore please! I don't even think she wants me to be around her." I breathe lightly and look down.

Brushing past my father, I shake my head and decide to put on a happy face. "Felix!" I hear my mother whisper-yell at him. I sit at the table between Isabela and Agustin. I sit there quietly while Abuela talks about the Guzmans. "Dolores, do we have a date?" I look past Isa and see Dolores tuning in. "Tonight. He wants 5 babies."

Isa flusters and little flowers sprout on her head. I see my perfect opportunity and shift into Mariano, teasing her. She grows some more flowers and they fly in my face. I spit out some petals and remember last night in her room with (Y/n). "¡La Familia Madrigal!" Abuela shouts and we repeat it back. I stand and begin to take my plate back into Casita.

"Let me take that mijo and why don't you go find her? Dolores told me what happened last night. I can tell it's killing you." Mami says, startling me a little. My smile creeps back on my face and I give her a kiss on the cheek. "¡Gracias mami! I'll be home in time for dinner!" I yell, already on my way to the front door. I walk down the path and into the town, hearing murmurs left and right.

Hoping (Y/n)'s out and around, I head to the outside market. I scan the crowd but see her nowhere. "Camilo!" I hear someone shout. I turn around and look down and find Alejandra. "Oh, hey little one! Do you know where (Y/n) is by any chance?" I ask picking her up. "Yep. She's babysitting me but right now she's getting us ice cream!" She points towards her and (Y/n) thanks the man running the booth. 'Ice cream for breakfast?' I think to myself.

She looks at the ice cream and heads over here. "Here you go Ale..." She trails off as she sees me. My stomach twists and I feel nervous. "Hi." I say, hoping it doesn't look as awkward as it feels. "Hey." She responds and hands Alejandra her ice cream. I watch her take her first lick and then my eyes glide back to (Y/n)'s. "Can we go to the lake now?" Alejandra bursts out, breaking the silence. "Sure sweetie. Let's go."

I give her a small fake smile and start to put her down. "Can you come with us, Camilo?" She asks. I look towards (Y/n). "Oh, I don't know. I'm sure he has plenty of things he has to do." She looks from me to Ale, who's giving her a big, sad expression. "Oh. Ok, if he's free." She gives in.

A wide smile appears on Ale and she runs a little ways in front of us and we start walking. "I'm sorry about last night." I say, hoping she doesn't feel too uncomfortable to talk about this. "I hope I didn't do anything wrong." She sighs and watches Ale skip. "No, I'm sorry. You did nothing. I just... I wasn't.. I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"I do like you (Y/n). And last night was.. really fun for me." I confess and stumble a little. She looks to me. "Camilo, you really are great and maybe my feelings are similar, but... I guess... being with someone, it's just too much right now. I just want to be sure this is what I want and that if anything does happen, it won't be a mistake later on."

I give her a real smile and swing a strand of my hair out of my face. "Well, if that's the reason, then maybe.. maybe we can take it extra slow. No dating or dates but... friends?" I ask, praying that she's ok with that. She sends me a genuine smile back. "That would make me happy."

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