15 • First Official Date

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Please, please forgive me for repeating words, finding synonyms isn't easy for me. Also, I'm sorry that some of this isn't in your perspective, when writing it just kind of flows. You all are amazing! If there are any hate comments to me or anybody including Camilo or other users they will be deleted.

Your Pov
"So, I don't mean to bring this up again, but after.. everything that happened, how did you find the Encanto? I mean, the hills are here so no one on the outside can get in." Camilo asks while we walk hand in hand.

"Oh, well, my mother died trying to find this place. It was very important to me that I follow out with what she wanted and believed in. My father always thought she was crazy to believe in magic." I chuckle a little.

"Guess he was the crazy one. Anyway, when I came across a bundle of mountains I just knew something special had to be inside. I climbed for 3 days and when I managed to get in I told everyone I was from here. I didn't want people thinking I was here to ruin the place."

He scootches closer to me and I turn my head to face him. "And what is up with your hair? Why isn't it fluffy?" He laughs which causes me to snicker.

He let's go of my hand and wraps it around my shoulder. "It's a long story but let's just say Dolores wanted me to dress to impress." I look him up and down.

"But you're not dressed any differently." My arm goes through his ruana and I hold him at his side. "I thought the hair was enough. Do you like it?"

He takes his free hand and bounces his bun, causing me to giggle. "I do. But I think I prefer your other hair style Mi Milo."

He kisses the top of my head, making my butterflies come back. "Where are we going anyways?" I question.

"Somewhere special. I've only ever shown Dolores and Isabela, but that was because I needed their help getting it ready. You're the only person I'm really wanting to show it to."

My face begins to heat up and my smile grows. "And, since it's in the forest, it can get a little dark. You might want to stay by my side."

He says, moving some bushes to appear a hidden pathway. "Isn't going outside of the Encanto against the rules?" I raise a brow and cross my arms.

"Only going outside of the hills is. We are simply staying in the hills but also leaving the town." I roll my eyes and walk towards him. "Rule-bender."

I call him, making his smile show. Taking my hand, we duck under some tree limbs and stand upright.

The pathway is dark from the trees covering the sun but lit with candles sitting on branches. "Camilo, this is beautiful." I take a deep breath in and with my free hand, grab his arm.

Camilo's Pov
Gripping onto my arm, I look down to see her looking through the forest. "This isn't even the best part." I respond. Seeing her eyes filled with wonder makes me want to melt.

The rest of the walk is silent except the crunching of leaves under our feet. I brush past some more bushes and hold them open for her. "Gracias."

She says as she walks through and stops. "Do you like it? I wanted to show you when the sun is at the perfect angle between the hills, reflecting off the pond."

She stays stunned, staring into the distance. "(Y/n)?" I ask, grabbing her sides, looking over her shoulder. Her hand comes up to my cheek and she turns to me. "It's wonderful."

She leans in and our lips join. She turns her body towards me and her hands find my hair. I pull her in closer as she undoes my bun.

My hair falls and her fingers entagle with it. "Mm." I hum as we depart. Her hands still in my hair, I kiss her cheek. I begin to make my way down to her neck as she stops me.

Feelings at First Sight || CamiloxFemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now