Chapter 9

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S/lf h/rm (e,a)C/tt/ng (u,i)

I woke up, to barking. I sat up, quickly- and saw Frisbee. "Oh- hi," I said, as he got up, on the bed and started licking my face. (guys i just- remembered ranboo had a chihuahua- so- riley is no longer a female- nor- a golden retriever- (and his name is now frisbee thx to dino <3) forget everything i have said about- frisbee being a girl- or- a golden retriever- HE IS A MALE CHIHUAHUA AND NV WAS A FEMALE- NEITHER- A GOLDEN RETRIEVER- FORGET EVERYTHING.... (i also- changed all the- rileys to- frisbee (it took a long time) I petted the small chihuahua, as he curled up, in a ball, on my lap. I giggled, as I continued petting him. Ranboo was still- asleep, so- I decided, to watch TV. I turned on, Ranboo's TV and put my favorite movie. I layed back down, with Frisbee, still- in my arms, as Ranboo re-wrapped his arms, around- me, snuggling his head, in my neck. I continued watching f/m, as I heard snores, come from Frisbee. I chuckled, softly, as I continued watching.

The movie, had just- ended- and I was bored. I got up and went downstairs, to feed Frisbee. I gave him, some food and started making- breakfast. A bit later- Ranboo came downstairs and wrapped his arms, around- my waist. "Good morning," he said, groggily, "What are you making?" "Just- eggs and toast. Want some?" I asked, as he nodded, "Ok- it's gonna be ready, in a bit," I continued cooking, as he stayed- hugging me, from behind. If I told you, I didn't get butterflies- I'd be lying. I, suddenly- heard Ranboo's phone ring. He told me- it was his friends and they wanted to facetime. I nodded, as I continued breakfast.

I just- finished the food and I put it, on the counter, as I grabbed 3 plates. I put some food, on each of them. I brought one to Mason and to Ranboo's parents. They thanked me, as I walked back, in the kitchen and saw- Frisbee, on the counter eating the eggs and toast. "Shit. Frisbee! Off!" He, immedietaly- jumped down, using the stool, as I cussed, underneath- my breath. I cleaned up, the food and decided to give it to- Frisbee and give him a treat. I decided to order breakfast, instead.

A bit later- Ranboo came back, confused. "Where's the food," he asked, cocking his head. "Mr. Frisbee, here, ate it, so- I'm ordering- if that's alright. I can cook, if you want," I said, as Ranboo chuckled. "It's alright- take out, sounds good," he said, cupping my face and kissing me. As we waited, for the food- we played, a bit of card- UNO, of course. I was winning- I didn't even know, Ranboo was that bad.

"Dude, you're horrible at this," I said, as I put a 9 blue. "Hey- I'm not," he looked, at me, as he placed a +2 blue, "Hah- pick 2 card, bi- hoe!" I laughed, at him almost- swearing, but- he still- technically- swore, though. "You know, you, technically- swore and you're an idiot," I said, as I placed a +2 green. "Come on!" he said, picking up 4 cards, as I laughed, playing next. "Annnnnd-... I will put a +4, changing to red," I said, as he death stared me and picked up 4 cards. "I hate you," "No, you don't," "You're right, I love you," "I love me, too," "Hey- say it back!" "It back," "Ok- I'm done, with you!" he said, smirking and placing a shuffle card, "Hah- give me your cards!" I frowned, as I gave him, my cards and he shuffled them, redistributing the cards. I picked up, 1 wild, a red +2 and 3 red cards- a 0, 2 and an 8. I smirked and placed, my 0 along- with my other reds. Ranboo gave me the same look, putting a 0 and five other red cards. "Oooh, I see. Playing dumb. Anyways- I got this for you, pick up, bitch!" I said, as I placed my +2. "Darn," he said, placed, a +2, "I wish, I could've picked," He placed, his hand, underneath- his chin, as he rested his head and I picked up- 4 cards. He placed a wild, changing it to blue. Luckly- all the cards, I picked were 4s and I had a blue one, so- I smirked, placing them- changing it back, to red. "Oooh- you have reds, well- eat sh- crap!" he said, putting a wild and changing it back, to blue. "You know, you almost- swore twice," I said, not empressed, as I pretended to pick, a card. I saw Ranboo smirk, as I, mentally- laughed. "My adorable and psychopathic idiot," I said, placing the wild and getting up, stretching my arms and walking to Ranboo and kissing his forehead, "Only- royalty, can win," He looked, at me and poutted, crossing his arms, as I laughed.

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