Chapter 3

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----Ranboo POV----

"I have something for Y/n," I said, once, I knew she was fast asleep. "Ooh- what is it?" Tubbo asked. "It's not really planned, yet, but I'm getting it ready. I was planning, on taking her, on a date, before I left for the US. An other reason, why, I've been speaking, a lot, to Niki," I said, as Aimee acknowledged. "I see. I see. Could we help?" "Sure! We're just gonna have, to go to sleep, first. She's asleep," I said, as I chuckled and so, did the others. "Ok, well- good night, Ranboo," Toby said, as he left, for his room. I carried Y/n, to our room and set her, on my bed. I cuddled, close, to her. I smiled, to myself, as I kissed her forehead. I got her back. My beloved. I thought, as I closed my eyes.

----Thrid POV----

As Ranboo and Y/n, peacefully, slept. Or, so, Ranboo thought, she did. Y/n suddenly, felt uncomfortable. She looked behind her and saw, Ranboo asleep. She at a guilt look writen all over her face, as she pulled his arms, away from her, as she moved further, from Ranboo. Y/n finally fell asleep, guilty. But, Ranboo wouldn't mind, as long, as she's comfortable. Right?...

----Time Skip----

As Ranboo woke up, he got up, to close the curtains, that were blinding him. He hid the sun, with the curtains and got back, in bed, hugging Y/n, close to him. "Good morning, darling," he said, as Y/n slowly, opened her eyes, seeing herself, in his arms. She slowly, back away. "Are you ok?" her beloved boyfriend, asked. She wasn't sure, what to think of him, but at least tried to acknowledge him. Even if she knew, he wouldn't cheat and that it was Niki, she was very insecure.

She didn't trust him, one bit. Yes, I guess, she loved him, a bit. It's her boyfriend, after all. But, should she really trust him? She doesn't even, know Niki, that much. They've hung out, like- once or twice, before. She could steal him, from her...

"Yeah- good morning, I guess" she said, as Ranboo replaced his frown, with a smile. At least, she acknowledge me. He thought. Does she still not trust me? He sat up and grabbed Y/n's hand and got her up. He gently, kissed her lips, as he left.

Y/n on the other hand, was on verge of tears. She ran, to the bathroom and banged her fist, on the sink counter. I can't pretend, anymore. I don't want to hurt him. I just don't feel the same, anymore... She thought, as she washed her tears, away and walked, to the kitchen, to see everyone here. Her eyes, scanned the room, as she locked eyes, with Ranboo. She was unsure, of her feelings. She knew, she liked him, deep down, but... she was simply, to insecure. He'll find someone, better, I'm sure. She sat, down next, to Bill and Freddie, as they all started eating breakfast.

They long love doesn't last for while. Well- yeah, I guess...

----Ranboo POV----

I'm planning, on taking Y/n, on the date, today. But, she looks angry... At me... Did I do something? I thought, as I finished breakfast and so, did the others. They got, up and went, to the living room and I decided, to take my chance and talk to Y/n. "Hey- love, what's wrong?" I asked, taking her hand, in mine. "I just- I-I don't know?" she said, looking, away. "You can tell me anything, right? I love you," I said, as I cupped her face, as I gently, kissed her. She pulled, away, as fast as she could. I was about the cry. "That's the thing. That's the thing! Ranboo!" she started, as she removed her hand, from my grip, "That's the thing... I'm not sure... about my feelings... I do love you... but, platonically... I'm sorry..." She sat up, walking, to the living room, as I stayed, in the kitchen and silently, cried. Good job. You made her uncomfortable. I thought, as I cried, burying my face, in my hands.

I heard footsteps and looked up, to see Aimee and Serena. "What's wrong?" Serena asked. "Y/n... sorta... just-... broke up... with me..." I said, as Aimsey hugged me, rubbing my back. "It's gonna be fine," they said, continuing, "She's going through, a lot. Remember that. Maybe- she just- needs to take a break. We all do, sometimes. I'm sure, she didn't break-up-break-up, with you," they said, "She told me, she was insecure. And that, you would ditch her, for Niki or someone else. She really loves you, Ranboo. She's just- unsure..." "Yeah- I understand... But, why... just-... why?... Why me...? I guess, I got to cancel, the date plans... since, she doesn't see me, that way..." I said, as Serena scoffed. "Ranboo. That's not what, we are trying to say. She just- needs a break. Let her think," she said, "Once she's ready, she's gonna come to you, with open arms," "Thank you, guys..." I said, hugging them, as they giggled. "No problem, Ranboo," Serena said. "Yeah- anything, for the gender man," Aimee said, making me laugh. We left the kitchen and enter the living room.

I saw everyone, sitting on the couch. I saw Y/n, cuddling (platonically) with Tubbo. Seeing that, just- broke my heart. I sat, on the floor and I didn't realize, I was crying, until Bill, pointed it, out. "Why are you crying?" he asked, as I whipped my tears. "I am?"

----Y/n POV----

Oh no, I feel bad. I made Ranboo cry... Fuck me... I excused myself and went to the bathroom and grabbed the blade. Looked at my reflection, through, the blade. What did Teddy feel like, when they did this? They almost, seemed happy... I just- want to be happy... That's all... Happiness... I thought, as I slid it. It felt good... The only times, I were, really happy... was when I pained, myself... Aimee wouldn't be happy... I put the blade, away and whipped my arms, rolling my sleeves, over my scars.

I walked back, in the living room and Ranboo was talking about, taking me, on a date and having to cancel. Oh god... What have I done...?

----Time Skip----

It's been, a few hours, since I decided to tell Ranboo, I didn't fell the same. I did. It's just- my insecurities. He was planning, on taking me, on a date. And he had to cancel... That was such a dick move, Y/n. What the fuck!? My thought, swung through my head, as I gripped, onto my skull. "Shut up. Shut up," it started, as whispers, as I got louder. "Shut up! Shut up!! SHUT UP!!!!" I screamed, from the top, of my lungs, as everybody came, rushing in the kitchen. They, saw me, on the floor, curled in ball, as Toby leaned, down grabbing, onto me, in a tight hug. "It's ok, Y/n. Breathe in. Breathe out. It's ok. It's ok. Shhhh..." he said, as I took deep breaths, "There you go. Yes. Breathe. Calm down. We're here for you," "It's ok, Y/n. We are here," Aimee said, as Serena, Bill and Freddie looked at me, with the same conserned eyes. "We're here..." Ranboo said, just- above whisper, as he grabbed my hand and rubbed circles. I felt butterflies... It's not the time, Y/n! You're literally having a panick attack! Calm the fuck down! You broke his heart! I thought, as I calm down and sat up, a bit, still in Tubbo's arms and Ranboo holding, my hand.

"Do you want me, to tell Tommy?" Tubbo asked. "No. I think I'll be fine. Can I talk to Ranboo, alone?" I said, as Ranboo, backed up, surprised, as Aimee gave me and Ranboo a thumbs up and left the room, with everyone. "Why did you want to talk about, N/n?" he said, in a sweet and low voice. Butterflies. Shut the fuck up! "Just- wanted to say. I'm sorry, for breaking your heart-" I started, as he interrupted me. "...And that you don't feel the same. Yeah- yeah- I understand..." he said, as I cupped, his face. "Ranboo, I love you. I'm just- insecure and scared, you'll leave me. As long, as you promise, not to leave me, I'm gonna be fine. I just- need confidence..." "I promise, I won't ever leave you, N/n," he said, hugging me, "I love you and only you. I want you to know that," We pulled, away from the hug and smiled, at each other. We started leaning in, until our lips touched. This is the first time, I've ever really wanted to kiss him, this much. (cringe sry)

----Aimsey POV----

The others, were talking, sitting on the couch, as I watched Ranboo and Y/n. Suddenly, they started leaning in and kissed. "Guys! They kissed!" I whisper screamed, as they all came and look. "Aww- the lovebirds, returned to their normal selves..." Tubbo said, in awes. They pulled, away and they looked, our direction. We, immedietaly, crouched, down, to try and make ourselves, invisible. "Haha, funny, we saw you guys," Y/n said, as she walked over to us. Ranboo was close behind her, holding onto her hand, like- he never wanted her or him to let go. I smiled, at the inlove couple, as they smiled back and sat, down, with us. We watched a movie, together and they were cuddled onto, one an other. That's the Y/nboo, I know. I thought, as I looked back, at the movie.

(done finally!!!! bestie ash was talking to me and i had to respond to them cuz their cool and i p/ love them <3)

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