Chapter 6

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(i have changed my mind! i am going to write a chapter! lucky you... anyways, im in class rn, my mental health, still shit. writing helps tho! also, go follow VelvetWhimss, they are having a hard time with their mental health too and im IN LOVE with their books, so, yeah! anyways, have fun with this chapter, bitch!)

Woo! I'm so excited. Me and Tubbo were going, to the US! I am gonna miss Tommy. But, I'll see him, in like- a month, or so. Anyways, me and Toby, were at the airport, saying- bye, to everyone. We got on the plane and I texted, Ranboo, real quick. I got seated, on the window seat and Tubbo sat, beside me. "So, are you ready to see, mArK?" he asked, as I giggled. "Yeah- I miss him," "It's only been a week!" he said, throwing his hands, in the air. "I know, I know," We continued, talking and watched, a bit of movies. About- a few hours later- Tubbo was getting tired and rested his head, on my shoulder, while I drew. I ended up, drawing a flower. A rose, to be exact. (idk why but i have an obsession with drawing flowers) I was planning, on giving it, to Ranboo, when we land. I started getting tired, so, I closed my eyes and soon, fell asleep.

----Ranboo POV----

I was sitting, in my office, editing a video, (that I will, probably, never publish) as I got, a notification, on my phone. A fan account tagged me (?) Oh, strange. I thought, as I closed my phone and continued my work. I'll check it out, later.

It had been- a few hours and I got a text, from Y/n, saying- she landed. I was very excited and happy and I ran to my car (pls for the love of god he has a car now) and drove to the airport. As I got there, I saw 1 short person, with h/l (hair length) h/c (hair colour) hair and vibrant e/c (eye colour) eyes. I ran to them, immedietaly, knowing it was Y/n. She was looking, around, for me, I suppose, as I sneakly, got behind her and lifted her up. "Hello, my love," I said, as she turned, her head back and laughed. "Hello, Ranboob," she said, as I put her down and frowned. "Don't call me that- again," "Aww. Ok..." she crossed her arms and started walking beside me, to the car, "So, what are we doing?" "First- you are meeting my parents and then- I don't know, we'll do whatever, you want," I said, smiling, at her, as she returned the gesture.

It has been a bit- and Y/n (almost wrote my name there im so tired yall) was talking, with my parents. I opened, my phone and saw the Twitter notification. I clicked, on it, confused and saw a girl, making a suprised face, with a hand covering their mouth. I was, just- simply confused and read the tweet- "Oh my god! Y/n and Tubbo, are on my plane! Also, why are they cuddling? Aren't Y/n and Ranboo dating?" I looked, behind them and saw the airplane seat, that Tubbo and Y/n, were sleeping on. Tubbo's head, was on Y/n's shoulder and her arms, were wrapped around his torso. Seeing that- made, me sad. She wouldn't cheat, right? I thought, as tears ran down my cheeks, as I whipped them. Plus, WITH MY BEST FRIEND!?!? I continued crying, as I heard footsteps, walking towards me.

"I've got something, for youuuu... Hey- Ranboo? Is there something wrong?" Y/n asked, put whatever, she had in her hands, on the table. It looked, like- a rose (?) drawing. "No. Nothing, is fine Y/n! Leave me, alone!!" I said, as she looked, at me confused. "Why?" she said, cocking, her head. Normally, I would think, it'd be cute, but- I'm just- mad, right now. "Oh- don't play innocent, now! You know exactly, why!" I opened, my phone and showed her the tweet, "What were you doing, cuddling, Tubbo? Hmm? I'm gone for a week! A week, Y/n!! And- you do this shit, behind my back!" I said, as Y/n began, to shed tears. "I promise- it's not what it looks like-" I interrupted her. "Oh- yes- it is. I have eyes (for people who have glasses:) and unlike you- I don't need glasses, to see, that there is- clearly something!!" I said, rasing my voice, as Y/n cried, more. "Ranboo. I promise- I did nothing wrong! I would never cheat! Never! I didn't even realize- I was hugging, Tubbo, like that. I promise- I would never, do such a thing! I gave, you multiples chances, please give me one! I promise- I didn't do it on purpose. I might- of thought it was you, or something..." she said, her voice getting lower, everything she spoke. "Fine. I'll give you one chance, but- if you do it, again- it's over. Understand?" I said, as she nodded and hugged me.

"I'm sorry," she said. "It's ok, I forgive you. Now, what was the drawing for? Hm?" I asked, softly, this time, as her eyes lit up, taking the drawing, in her hands. "I drew it, on the plane! Sorry, if it's messy- it was a bumping ride," she said, giggling, as I took the drawing. "It's beautiful-... but- not as pretty as you," I said, cupping her face. "Oh- shut up," she said, hiding her blush, cuddling, in my side. I cuddled, back and closed my eyes. I hope we don't have anymore problems, man.

What an unlucky couple.

(short IK i have no idea man and you guys motavate me so does velvet anyways if you ever see this IM LITERALLY GOING TO SCREAM!!!!!!! YOUR LIKE- MY FAVORITE AUTHOR!!!!!! *me fangirling rn*)

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