Chapter 7

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(hey ash tray..... how r u? im good...... being forced to write this without my own will /j anyways lets get into it)

I woke up, on Ranboo's couch, in his arms. It took me, a few minutes, to process, what happened and then, I remembered... I am in California. I smiled and tried, to leave Ranboo's grip. "Stay," he said, pulling me, closer to me. I tried, to get out, of his grip and he got annoyed. "Why are you trying to leave me?" he said, slightly opening his eyes, "Do you not love me?" "No. I don't," I said, as he let go of me. "Oh..." was all he said. "You know, I'm being sarcastic, right?" "Er- well- I don't know? We've had so much problems, that I'm not sure, anymore," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Ok, then- I'll tell you- I love you," I said, smiling. "I love you, too," We inched closer and as we were about- to kiss, I heard footsteps, walk to the living room. "Hey Mark- Oh mah gad!" a kid, about- 13 maybe- said, turning around and leaving the room, as we both laughed.

"Who's that?" I asked. "It's my cousin, Mason," he said, as he re-entered the room. "Hello, I'm Mason and you're probably, Mark's girlfriend, Y/n, correct?" he asked, handing me his hand, as I shook it and giggled. "Indeed. Nice to meet you, Mason," I got up and walked to the kitchen, as both- the boys followed me. "She's short," "Mason!" "It's alright," I laughed, "I get that a lot," I said, as Mason walked up, to me and laughed. Ranboo death stared him, as he backed away. "Ranboo. Don't traumatize the poor kid," I said. "Hah! You're girlfriend's on my side," "No, I'm not, I'm on my own, kid," I said, turning back, to what I was doing, as Ranboo laughed. I saw, a fluffy golden tail, wag and it led, to a small chihuahua. "OH MY GOD!! WHO'S THIS CUTIE!?" I said, walking towards the dog.

It had a blue neckless, with a pin (idk what its called DX) that said- Frisbee. "Who's a good boy? huh? Floof, floof, floof," I said, petting Frisbee, as he started licking my hands and face. "Hah- she's replaced you," I heard, Mason say, probably- to Ranboo. "Hey- at least, I have a girlfriend," Ranboo said, death staring Mason. "Who told you, I didn't?" he said, crossing his arms. "Well- I'm telling, your mom, then- aunty Jess!!" "Hey- you bitch- COME BACK!!" Mason said, chasing Ranboo, as I laughed. "Hey- don't swear," "Mark- I'm literally 13," "Does your mom, let you swear?" Ranboo said, as I just- sat awkwardly, in the corner, petting Frisbee. "Er- Yes! Why do you think, I'd swear at you, right now!?" "Ay- Mason! Don't swear, at your cousin!" I heard a feminine voice call. Probably- Ranboo's aunt. "Sorry, mom!!" Mason shouted. "Mason has a girlfri- mmmm-" Ranboo tried to say, as Mason covered his mouth, with his hand, "Ew- get your crusty hands, out of my mouth," I just- watched, as the 2 cousin, play fought. I looked back, at Frisbee, as he looked at me. "Boys, (sry for the boys i dont mean that)" I said, as I sighed and Frisbee, laid his head, on my lap.

I continued petting him, as I scratched him, behind his ear. I started humming, a song, as I saw Frisbee rest his eyes. I watched, as the cousins, calmed down- well- sorta. They walked, up to me. Mason sat down, next to me and petted Frisbee, as Ranboo continued, the cooking. "Don't burn the house down," I said, as I could, practically- hear Ranboo, roll his eyes. "I won't. I promise, love," he said, as I giggled. "Ok, then- don't say, I didn't warn you," I turn my head, to my left, to see Ranboo, already- death staring me, "Ay- don't look at me, like- that- or you'll get the floor, tonight," I said, as he stopped staring, at me and Mason laughed. "Shut up- And it's my bed," Ranboo said, as my eyes widened. "Excuse me!? Did you just- tell me, to shut up!" I said, getting up and approaching Ranboo, as his eyes widened. "Nononono, I didn't! I was talking, to Mason! I promise!" he said, putting his hands, up in defeat. "Wow- you got 'em to listen," Mason said, as I laughed. "I have my ways," I said, looking back, at Ranboo and cupping his face, "He knows, that- if he disrespect me, he wouldn't get kisses," I kissed him, as I heard Mason gag. "PDA, guys! Come on! Urgh!" he said, leaving faster, then- lighting, as we laughed.

Ranboo quickly, finished the food and turned off the over. I sat on the counter, as he leaned, on it. "I love you," he said, giving me small kisses, on the lips. "I love you, too," There was a moment, of silence- not awkward, but to the contrary relaxing and calm. I stared, into his beautiful, dimed grey eyes, as I wrapped my arms, around his neck and brushed his hair, with my hands. He leaned in and this time- kissed me, a bit longer. The kiss, lasted about- 15 seconds, but it was still- mAgIcAl. As we pulled away, I giggled and he softly laughed, too. I put my forehead, to his and closed my eyes. (i almost- wrote head instead of eyes...) "You have, no idea, how much I love you," Ranboo started. "Are you sure?" "Mhm," he re-opened his eyes and stared in mine, smiling, showing me, his toothy grin, that- I loved, "I know, I might- look, like- an idiot, but I am very happy," "You do not look, like- an idiot, darling. You look perfect," I replied, as I saw him blush. "I-I uhm- er- you look per-perfect, too-" he said, stuttering, as I interrupted him. "Shut up," I laughed and kissed him, again. (very cheesy paragraph ik sry)

"Are you guys, done making out?" I heard, a voice say. Embaressed, I looked behind Ranboo and saw a girl, about- 15-16 years old. "Oh- er- hi... Sorry," I said, looking down and Ranboo blushed, like- an idiot, as the girl laughed. "It's ok- I'm Mark's other cousin, Kimberly, nice to meet you," she said handing me, her hand, as I shook it and smiled, "You know, you can get off the counter, right?" She giggled, as I got off the counter. "Right. I forgot," I said, as we laughed.

I walked back, to the living room and saw a bunch of people. "Ranboo. Do you live, with all these people or what?" I asked, as he chuckled. "No. There just- here, because I've been gone, for a while, so- yeah. You've already met my mom and dad, my aunt, Jess and my little cousin Mason and Kimberly," he said, as I nodded. I walked, beside Ranboo, as he walked to an old lady, holding a baby. "This is my grandma and this is the new born baby, Oliver," he said and I acknowledge, as he pointed, at other friends and family members, introducing them. "This is my grandpa, with uncle Jerry," he said, point at 2 adults, that- look, practically- the same, just- different, in age. "And, finally- my school friends- Nathan, James, Rico and Emma," he said, pointing at a group, of people, around- our age. We walked, to the group. I saw a guy, about- 5'9, with dirty blonde-ish brown hair, with a bit of ginger, he had brown eyes and pale skin, with a few freckles scattered around- his face. Then- I saw, a guy, about- 6'0, with black hair and a blue and green eye- he had heterochromia. I saw another- guy, but he looked, like- he was mexican or something- (not quackity guys, just- saying) he had brown hair and eyes, with a tan-ish red skin tone, he was also- short, compared to the others- 5'6. And finally- I saw a girl... she was beautiful, goddamn... natural dark brown hair, faiding into a light colour, with brown eyes, with a tint of purple and blue, in them. She was also- about- 5'5. God... I'm simping... Nonono. Bad. I have a boyfriend. But, is it ok, if I just- think she's hot?

"Hi guys!" Ranboo said, as he waved, at the group. They waved back, as I made eye contact, with the girl. She blushed and looked back, at Ranboo. Oh no. I walked beside, Ranboo and joined him and his friends. "This is, Y/n, my girlfriend," he said, I waved. From the corner, of my eye, I saw Emma, fake a smile. Oh shit. "Hey, Y/n!" Nathan said, with a very nicely. "Heyo! Y/nnn! I'm Rico, nice to meet you!" he said, as I shook his hand. "Goddamn. Ranboo. You found a good one," James said, jokingly, but it kinda made me, uncomfortable. James saw I was uncomfortable and apologized. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean, to make you uncomfortable," "It's alright," I smiled. I turned to Emma and she smiled. "H-hi! I'm Emma!" she said, shyly, as she looked down and looked back, at Ranboo. Wait- Ranboo!?

----Emma POV----

Fuuuuuucccccckkkk. She's hot. My gay is showing. Look at Mark. Look at Mark. Look at Mark. Forget what she looks like. She's Mark's girlfriend, after all and I'm not the type to steal. Shit. I thought, as I smiled, weakly at Mark. I saw Y/n death stare me, from the corner of my eye. I looked down, guilty, as she approached my ear and whispered to me. "Can we talk, in private?" she asked, sweetly. I nodded confused and she grabbed my hand, leading me somewhere. Stop blushing! She doesn't like you! You just- met her! Fuck! She likes Mark, too. "Do you like Mark or something?" she started, "I'm not gonna be mad, if you do. I was just- wondering because, you were staring at him," She was surprisingly kind, about- it. I mean- fuck no! I see Mark, as brother. "Er- no, I'm lesbian, actually," I said, as her eyes widened. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! But, I'm happy for you, man! I'm pan, so- yeah..." she said, as I smile. I might- have a chance. Nono. Bad. She likes Mark. No breaking relationships. Fuck. Why do I like girls? And why is she fucking hot?  "Do you wanna go back to the others?" she asked, breaking me out of my trans. "Er- yeah, sure!" I said, smiling and followed her.

----Y/n POV----

She's hot. She's sweet. She's kind. But, I like Ranboo, still. I can't cheat. That's wrong. What the fuck, do I do? I stay, with Ranboo. I barely know her. She could just- turn on me. Yeah- stay, with Ranboo. I mean- I love him. But, Emma's hot. Well- maybe- I just- think she's good looking. I thought, as Ranboo looked at me and smiled, grabbing my hand and rubbing circles, on it. "What are you thinking about?" he asked, as my eyes widened. "Oh- nothing," I said, looking away. "Ok?" He bent down and kissed me, as Rico requested something.

"Do we play, spin the bottle?"

(annnnnnndd..... cliffhanger sry i had to anyways love yall)

Alive || Ranboo x Reader (SisterInnit Sequel)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora