Chapter 5

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----Time Skip----

Ok. Today was the day. Today was the day, Ranboo was going back, to the US. Don't cry. I thought, as I whipped my tears and hugged Ranboo. You'll see him in a week. I pulled, away, from the hug and Ranboo, saw me, crying. "It's ok, N/n. We'll see each other, soon," he said, giving me a short kiss and whipping his tears, "Welp- that's my flight, see you, later, darling," He walked, away, as he waved and I copied his action, as Aimee, Toby and Tommy hugged me. "It's gonna be alright, N/n. You get, to go see him! And I don't! Anyways, who wants to go to aMeRiCa?" Tommy said, making me giggle. "Thanks, for cheering me up, guys," I replied, as Aimsey smiled. "Of course, you are our best friend," they said, in awes, as we headed back, to the car.

As we got home, I sat in my bed and Tommy decided to stay the night. It was pretty fun. My old mattress, is now, the guest bed and the old guest bed, is now, my bed. I get my own bed, woo! I texted Ranboo, even though, he'd still be flying, just- to make sure.


Ranboob <3

have a nice flight my love <333


I closed my phone and got ready, to take a nap. (i sleep alot dont judge)

----Time Skip & Ranboo POV----

My plane, had just landed and I walked out, waiting to get my bags. I got out my phone and had a text, from Y/n. I smiled and decided to respond.


My grassblock <3

have a nice flight my love <333

just landed

getting my bags rn

ok stay safe


wanna ft after

sure :)



I got my bags and bumped, into a petite person. I helped them and saw... Trina. "Oh god. Hi, Ranboo! How has it been going?" she asked, as she hugged me, "I'm here, with Zuki! (i forgot their name (btw zuki is male to non binary) i had to search my whole books to see it took me like 15 mins....) We are going back, to the UK, sadly," "Aww, well- it was fun seeing you, bye!" I said, as they waved and I headed back, home. Home sweet home.

As I arrived home, I knocked on the door. Soon, my parents opened the door and saw me. "Who is it- RANBOO!!!!" they said, hugging me, as I lightly, chuckled and hugged, them, back. "Come on, I was only gone for a few months," I said, as they pulled away. "Yeah- yeah- I know. How was it?" my mom asked. "It was pretty good. I had fun. I also- made a girlfriend..." I said, blushing, as my dad, hyped me, up. "Good job, son. I thought, you'd be lonely, forever," "Hey-" I said, offended, as he snickered. "Anyways... I'm gonna go to bed, good night!" my mom said, as my dad, followed and went to bed, too. I wasn't tired, so, I facetimed Y/n.

I called once. No answer. Twice. No answer. Three times, maybe? She picked up, on the 4th ring. "Hi, sorry," she said, as I heard some noises, behind her. "Hey- what's all the noises for?" I said, as she locked the door. "I may or may not of cooked them, cheese..." she said, as I looked at her confused. "Cheese?" "What!? You've never had cooked cheese before!?" she asked, as I slowly, shook my head, no, "Oh my god. What is, with you, people! So, I cooked them cheese. They loved it. Now they're addicted. Tommy and Bill are nauseous. Aimee and Freddie are trying to help. Tubbo is basically, crying, 'cause we've got to much cheese and it doesn't fit, in his fridge. My wrist hurt. And Serena, is just- watching us and I tried telling her, to help, but she said- I'm on my period, best thing of the day. And she started eating popcorn! Like- where the fuck did she find the popcorn!!" Y/n said, as I laughed, "There's nothing funny, Ranboo," "Ok- fine- how's your wrist?..." "It hurts" she said, whining.

We talked for a bit, until it was getting late, here. I hung up and told her- good night, as I went to bed.

(very short chapter ik its monday and i dont usually write you are very welcome ash tray (sry i had to give you that name)

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