Monsters Of The Night

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He was just wondering where these predators kept coming from, even though he was young when he saw the indominus he knew all the predatory species that lived on Nublar and the indominus rex wasn't one of them, and it didn't look like a tyrannosaurus or a spinosaurus, it almost looked like a combination of multiple animals stitched together to make a more powerful creature.

And it was, he didn't know it but the indominus was a combination of multiple creatures, such as tyrannosaurus, giganotosaurus, velociraptor, deinosuchus, therizinosaurus, multiple abelisaurs like majungasaurus, tree frogs, snakes, and cuttlefish.

He just hoped that there weren't any more of the indominus, he saw it slaughter four apatosaurus easily and if it can do that than it wouldn't have a problem taking on a few more that's for sure.

Unfortunately for the alpha, even if the monster known as the indominus was dead at least from what he's heard, her descendant was in this very area.

Ripper then jumped off the apatosaurus he was on and Owen drove over to him with his squad following behind.

Blue rushed to Ripper, she thought that Nemesis had inflicted a major injury on him.

"Ripper, are you alright?" Blue spoke in a stressed voice.

"I'm fine Blue, if I could survive being stabbed through the horns of a ceratopsian skull then it wouldn't be hard to believe that I could survive a few scratches" Ripper smiled.

The only reason Ripper did survive that fall is not because of his bullet proof skin, it was because of something that even he never knew about.

For as long as he knew, Ripper had the ability to heal his injuries at a rapid rate, and he never knew how this was possible but there was actually an explanation for it.

It was because Henry wanted Ripper to be the perfect indoraptor, and because of that he made sure to add something unique to Ripper's DNA that a lot of his kind did not possess.

Salamander DNA.

But not just any kind of salamander DNA, it was a modified kind that allowed Ripper to heal his injuries way faster, although fatal injuries took longer to heal.

Salamanders are known as one of the few animals on the planet that could regenerate lost limbs, and what Henry did was he genetically altered the salamander DNA so that not only could it possibly regenerate limbs but could heal injuries as well, but he has never seen Ripper lose a limb so he isn't sure if the regeneration also applies to lost limbs since his main focus was to heal injuries like scars.

"Hot damn, I knew you were good at fighting but fighting while on a sauropod? You're really something else aren't you?" Owen spoke up.

"Well, now I know what kind of story I'm gonna tell Fang once we get him back" Echo added.

The apatosaurus lowered his head towards the raptors, he wanted to know why this predator was so kind, the raptor did say the only reason he was out here was because he was searching for his son, but he thought that predators didn't care about anyone but themselves.

"Why are you so kind? You're not like any other carnivore I've seen, most of the ones I know are a bunch of savages" apatosaurus started.

Ripper turned around to face this giant, even if apatosaurus was small by sauropod standards since it's dwarfed by the much larger argentinosaurus, it was still huge from Ripper's point of view .

"It's because I grew up like this, back then when I was way younger I wasn't as vicious as some people make me out to be, it's mostly because I preferred bonding with my siblings than hunting" Ripper explained.

Ripper's Journey II: The Son Of Ripper (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora